Like a moth to a flame, the Sun person is drawn to the Pluto person. Comfort zones are dangerous for both partners, and they must choose an adventure now and then to nurture the inner child. This is a positive aspect that can help these two build a life together full of joy and happiness. How does this aspect play out between two people, you may ask? Saturn-Uranus Aspects. This isnt an indicator of a wild, passionate romance, but having good communication with your mate is one of the most important aspects of a successful relationships. There is an opportunity for the Saturn person to give the Sun individual structure, both in the relationship and in their separate life. No matter how healthy and productive a routine is, couples need to relax and have their excitement now and then. Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology The trine is a sign of ease in this relationship, with the only turbulence being a lack of communication within their union if things start getting too comfortable. The key karmic lesson for both is to work towards consistent and mutual understanding. During the early stages, the Sun person will like the Saturn persons mature and responsible qualities, while the Saturn person will enjoy the Suns energy, creativity, vibrancy, and enthusiasm. While the Sun focuses its energy on the here and now aspects, Saturn projects the entire picture and can unlock paths that will help the couple reach their true potential in the long run. This is the mathematical midpoint between the natal Sun and Moon. If we need to learn life lessons the hard way, Saturn ensures we understand them. The way it manifested in my relationship was through major emotional distancing. My best friend of 30+ years has her Saturn square my Sun. Although you probably knew each other in a past life, your relationship wasnt necessarily romantic. In addition, theyll often find themselves acting as mentors within their relationship too, given their dominant and curious natures. At the same time, Saturn brings commitment, too. Banned. I had some relationships in the past with strong Saturn connections like Ascendant conjunct Saturn, Moon conjunct Saturn, Venus conjunct Saturn or Sun conjunct Saturn. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). September 2, 2015 astrologyplace. This happens every 29.5 years, and every Saturn Return brings us an evaluation of our life. These relationships can sometimes feel like the Sun person is in a relationship with their parent, and this can be expressed positivelyor negatively. In order for the Sun square Saturn synastry relationship to work, both people will have to communicate and take responsibility forthemselves instead of shifting the blame. The Sun is the central point of our birth chart, and its influence is just as crucial in our synastries. . I felt that if I told him how I felt, he would reject me, and he had the same fear. Jupiter-Uranus Aspects. Saturn In Synastry - Mentor Or Oppressor? | ElsaElsa Since Mars is the planet of sex and physical energy, this aspect can also manifest into sexual problems for the couple. This aspect is often found in the synastry charts of married couples. Welcome to AW, Must both must be of similar age for your pluto's to be conj-- so this means that your pluto is conj YOUR south node as well as his pluto conj your s node. Your mutual attraction has a solid base. In the case of the trine or sextile, a good physical compatibility is indicated. This is an aspect often found in the synastry charts of sexless marriages. The trine between Sun and Saturn in synastry is an excellent aspect for long-term relationships and marriage and is often found in these types of unions. Since Sun and Mars are both masculine planets, it can cause ego clashes, as well. If you have this aspect, you can learn more about it in this article. Chiron Conjunct Juno. This can lead to a very inadequate life that doesnt reflect our true nature. Saturn feels dedicated and responsible towards the Sun person, and the Sun is supportive of the Saturn person. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. The Sun person will appreciate Saturns wisdom in the relationship and will not hesitate to ask their advice in times of need. The physical connection between two people with Saturn trine the Sun wont be the most critical aspect of their relationship. This can create a very stable, long-lasting relationship without too many challenges over the course of their life together. Theyll make an excellent parent or mentor for them, always wanting the best life possible for themselves and their partners. Saturn conjunct the nodes is very important in synastry. The person was your child. By. The Saturn person in the relationship. There is loyalty and respect between these two people who admire each other's strength and confidence. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. The Sun person feels more comfortable expressing their feelings than the Pluto person. If you two break up, it will be very difficult to remain friends. Sun-Saturn relationships of all aspects teach us how to take personal responsibility and release judgment, criticism, and blame. It increases the duty and responsibility you feel for each other, without it feeling like a huge burden. This aspect will make people feel like they belong together. The Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect is a celestial alignment that occurs when Saturn and the Sun are approximately 120 degrees apart. But embracing them and allowing them to manifest in our life is essential. Saturn likes maintaining the status quo, and Uranus loves change, so there may be a constant battle between these two. If you have the Sun opposite Saturn synastry aspect in your chart, you tend to feel very attracted to each other in the beginning of the relationship for karmic reasons. The Saturn person often has a hard exterior and may be very misunderstood due to their Stoic nature. I've noticed that this synastry shows up in many long-term relationships. Mercury synastry aspects are undervalued in astrology, in my opinion. This trust is so vital that it can keep the couple together when it exists or create severe conflicts when its not authentic. Fighting the energy of Saturn or ignoring it will only bring us face to face with our fears and past mistakes again until we fix them. A poor aspected Saturn will bring our traumas into our life until we heal and learn from them. The Saturn person must especially work tonot control the Sun person. It reminds me of the saying, an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. It speaks mostly about what we already are and wants us to grow into our authentic selves. Also, neither of us ever felt we could express our playful, romantic sides around one another; I felt he would not approve of any kind of childishness from me, so I kept my mouth shut. Due to this criticism, the Sun persons self-confidence and enthusiasm may decrease. These can be very influential relationships because they force growth on a deep level. The Venus person may feel the Sun person doesnt appreciate her efforts to please him, and the Sun person may find the Venus person superficial. In the Sun square Saturn synastry relationship, the problem tends to lie with both partners. This relationship dynamic is simply natural with the Sun trine Saturn synastry aspect. The Sun person feels blessed to be in the company of the Venus person, and the Venus person reciprocates these feelings. Saturn represents depression, restriction, fear of rejection, distancing, as well as commitment. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. They feel mutually supported and appreciated in this relationship. You are a conscientious person and a hard worker, someone who takes responsibility and gets the job done. Mercury looks up to Saturn, and Saturn enjoys helping the Mercury person. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. The Uranus person is likely to feel trapped by the Sun person when the relationship gets too routine and stable. I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. sun trine saturn synastry - Astrology Anonymous However, the Saturn person may be somewhat of a wet blanket to the Sun person. Emotion-wise, both the Sun person and Saturn person are devoted to each other. The Saturn principle of duty and responsibility is clearly present in the legally binding ceremony of marriage - a ceremony which is designed to bond two people together for life. You are likely to react to each other in an impulsive manner. Venus conjunct Ketu: Venus is the wife or lover. The Pluto usually has the upper hand in the relationship, as the Sun person is enthralled, and even obsessed, with the Pluto person. You two make wonderful travel companions. Alma/Juno: alma "soul" juno "partner" = the soulmate. Why? Undertaking this conscious effort can earn them a long-lasting relationship that could become a lifelong marriage. Indeed, being around the Venus person gives the Sun person an ego boost! While this aspect indicates mutual generosity and trust, you may tend to overindulge the other. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Mercury rules my 7th house, so communication is very important to me when it comes to relationships. The emotional distancing both frustrated and intrigued me. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. Another issue that may emerge from this relationship is if the Sun person tries to control their Saturn partner. These two partners might even consider marriage and stay together for a long time, or even the rest of their lives. Click here to read Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mercury-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Venus-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mars-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Jupiter-Saturn Aspects in Synastry. The Sun quincunx or inconjunct Saturn suggests challenges regarding the sharing of vitality, interests, and creative inspiration in the relationship. Unlike the Sun, Saturn doesnt point in the direction we need to go. His parents were very traditional and strict, and would have never have approved of our union. It represents our gifts and the domains where our strengths shine the most. I censored my feelings of affection for him, and he did the same. The mutuality of the emotional connection shouldnt be questioned in this relationship. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This is an indicator of strong sexual attraction! For example, if my Saturn is in my 3rd house, I am very self-conscious about communicating with others, and tend to not speak up due to this insecurity. In this case, Uranus feels their individuality and uniqueness are not appreciated by the Saturn person, while the Saturn person feels the Uranus person is very unreliable and unpredictable. The Saturn trine Sun aspect can bring stability, focus, and success to individuals who experience it. If possible, try to have a sextile or trine between these two. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. Typically, the Saturn person doesnt do any of this onpurpose with the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect. When one person's Sun is aligned with the other's Saturn, there's often a sense of weight to the relationship. Another way in which this manifested was through a withdrawal of affection. However, they should understand that with this aspect, they are never alone, and it is essential to find a way to communicate that to each other. This is a very negative aspect to share with someone in synastry, if the aspect is harsh (conjunction, square, opposition). Then we can understand the world we live in through our truth. However, the square also indicates you differ in temperament and life goals, which can lead to conflict. Having two powerful planets in a trine aspect will come with both blessings and obstacles. Sextile and Trine were the top 2 most "OFTEN" aspects in female natal charts. This, in turn, discouraged them greatly, but I felt I was doing them a favor. This is a very positive aspect to find in synastry. The trine can also indicate that both of these individuals have a natural ability to communicate with each other, which is essential for having an easy-going relationship. In long term relationships, the Saturnian partner is the one who is the most likely to crave, expect or ask for more . Composite Chart | PlutonicDesire It can feel like a constant battle, with the Saturn person always trying to control and the Sun person trying to maintain their light. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. The infamous "marriage" asteroid, Juno came in as the lowest of the most With the prosperous aspect in the chart, the chart assures the couple that this relationship is bountiful and auspicious. After a while, we learned to express our feelings to one another, but only in small segments. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. Each aspect is worth 1 point. 3 Mercury Aspects. The parental marriage is a model of the psyche, and if it has been particularly challenging, there may be a deep desire to avoid the whole thing. There is a constant battle between them, and each feels they are blocked by the other. These synastry [], In a romantic relationship, Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. When someone's Uranus is conjunct your Uranus, you are around the same age!Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun, so you also share this aspect with people who are that much older . They can view the word responsible in entirely different lights, and when they act different, this creates friction. Interestingly enough, the friendships I made during my school years never lasted, and I tended to befriend people who were younger or older than me (i.e. Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: Commitment and Accountability Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can create a very stable and reliable love connection between two people who have similar personalities and temperaments. Sometimes this communication can come off as too easy and may even lead to both of them taking the other person for granted, which is why its important that they make an effort to communicate their needs in a healthy way over time. This aspect can indicate delusion and deception. This star is the ruler of the fixed fire sign of Leo. They like to speak to one another, and have similar intellectual interests. It gives us what we deserve. It's best to first look at the natal charts, separately, to avoid any confusion. Synastry: Sun - Saturn Aspects Between Two Charts - Cafe Astrology This star also brings us a sense of dignity, pride, and the determination to pursue our purpose in life and fulfill our mission. Here are some fun relationship ideas that can inspire them to build a happy life together and find new ways to express themselves to the other: In astrology, a trine is an angle where two planets are 120 degrees apart from each other. Saturn already represents duty, responsibility, maturity, as well as pessimism. However, over time, the Uranus person is likely to feel stifled or trapped by the Sun person, and the Sun person is likely to find the Uranus person unpredictable and unstable. Together, they make a great team because they understand each other very well. Another reason I was so critical of these two guys was because I genuinely thought their ideas, feelings, and beliefs were incredibly stupid. In a Sun Trine Saturn synastry, the Saturn person will be very committed and dedicated to the Sun person. Image by on Freepik. Indeed, my relationships with those two lasted quite a few years, but it wasnt without difficulty. Even when problems arose which made either one of us feel angry, annoyed, jealous, or frustrated, we would not, and COULD not, voice our feelings to one another. The Sun person may also be too immature to change the dynamics or to truly take responsibility for themselves. A Saturn trine the Sun brings an overall high compatibility that is rarely seen in synastries. The Sun person is likely to see the Neptune person as a soul mate, but this idea may not be based on reality. Venus Trine Jupiter Synastry. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. With the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect, the couple can work through their control issues to find a deep and loving commitment that expands and grows with the relationship. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Saturn also gives practical advice to Mercury, and listens and guides the Mercury person. It ensures we stay on the right path throughout life. Another example: my Saturn is in my 3rd house, which means I have self-conscious about communicating and I am insecure about sharing my ideas. Click here to read Saturn-Uranus Aspects in Synastry. Yet signs and houses matter; for instance, if B's Juno is in Libra, then A's Juno .
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