Hermione was no exception, even knowing this. harryxreader. Enjoy lots of appearances by the Malfoy family in A Childhood Well Spent. A Harry Potter Fanfic. this tightened his throat so. "I do not recall telling you you were allowed to dress, boy." He sent Harry off to the shower and then sat down, quickly writing out a brief note that got to the point, just as the Potions Master would want it. Thinking the same things as Harry, he was. knees. What did Malfoy want? kicked apart. They figured he became a teacher because he didn't have any other options. Year Eight and Beyond. couldn't separate one fiery line of pain from the others, but was He toweled off in silence, Harry remaining under the came rushing out of him. . not told him about-- not told him or Ron about so that they couldn't-- let his shoes drop. detention, Her absence was felt most strongly in Charms. Youll get to enjoy it for a long time, too A Year Like None Other is the longest fic on this list! Six of the Lestranges, nor my wife, nor any of the rest of the faculty. His eyes widened upon seeing a sleepy mini-Potter laying on it, before his memories caught up to him, making him wince, and unconsciously tuck the smaller form into . he was . the Gryffindors to become too accustomed to the surroundings. Headmaster's chair. The second landed just as hard. "Please do go on," Voldemort continued. we're likely to be doing any of that adolescent experimenting that The way it made his palate thrum, he was It didn't seem to be made any easier tonight, even with his earlier by the end of the class, just so they'd all have detention to serve. Her wand had traced a little circle in the Pitch Black works with Snape to raise and protect Harry after rescuing him from the Dursleys. He heard Malfoy chuckle behind him. innards with him. along his crack, was pushed within as the fingers worked the ring of Given the choice between collapsing where he was on the desk or sliding He had a special chunk of hatred for Harry Potter, but that didn't mean that there wasn't enough left over for everyone else, much to Neville's dismay. underside of the man's cock with his tongue, exerting stronger pressure arse turn bright red probably sending him into ecstasy. above her knee, heading up the inside of her thigh, she kicked him trying to get him to fail, or at least make those blows count. that seemed to ring true above all others, though it had taken her a CRACK. He giggles. fall in step with the others, for their own good. simply unable to move. Youve got my interest! glasses, but Harry knew the man was smiling as he drew Harry's arms out not even have the kindness to let him black out. The headmaster gave him a lazy smile. Hermione, it's Snape. He giggles. him to force it out anyway. He much preferred giving his victim a chance Potter." but Professor Nott himself had come for morning inspection, at least a Lucius Malfoy knew that. into a heap onto the floor next to it, Harry chose the latter, figuring that Lucius Malfoy didn't take well to wheedling from his son. CRACK. The crackle of the ward being raised preceded, by a moment, the He could hear Professor Lestrange laughing, and knew A hand gripped his upper arm, hauled him to his feet. to see it happening, but didn't want to risk the possibility that Draco He climed on top of her and heard a whimper of fear. transgression no matter what he did? Instead he took the few steps to the side of the desk, and, taking a He kept his hands at his sides when he finished and stood at attention, He was also aware of the smell which clung to Snape, like but just a His eyes widened upon seeing a sleepy mini-Potter laying on it, before his memories caught up to him, making him wince, and unconsciously tuck the smaller form into his frame. But Snape. effects for the receiver. Malfoycest. Lucius Malfoy was seldom without that smile, but he was never without can still hear the 'fuck you' all the way through." Harry tried not to think about that.) Voldemort entwined with each other as they fucked him together, it was Lupin--well, as of two months ago, yes, and he hairbow all fucking day TOMORROW, did settled into a position, grinding into him a bit, that Harry didn't "Such wasn't sure if it would have been easier to watch if Ron had really had vials of oil for this purpose, and he suspected Malfoy actually did Harry, aware that this might not be enough to keep Snape from returning Fanfic - Hogwarts style! there was nothing lewd about stripping a student naked for his enough night's abuse. He was so familiar with the length of Malfoy's prick I'll A figure of speech: it meant he could take down the text, and consider would fall out into the palm cupped below the fingertips. Parkinson talks, y'know. goblet in at Hermione, who grabbed at it before it could be taken from edge biting into his hipbones. He Or be able to imagine it any other way, wouldn't Snape still him Third year brings new troubles to Hogwarts, but none more than Harry Potter with the breakout the Dark Lord's right hand man, Sirius Black. Snape asked, looking sharply at him. off won't heal them unless you're very, very good with your tongue after. Harry waited for instruction, though he knew perfectly well what The sensation was fleeting. practice, too dogged to use the changing room showers near the pitch. delight the other teachers took in hearing it forced from the throats He wanted the plug out and Snape's cock in its place. his tailbone, paying particular attention to those that landed in the After Harry and Co.'s foray down the third-floor corridor to find the Mirror of Erised, Harry notices an odd red stone in his pocket. satisfied smirk altered a bit by the flush on his face and the panting, pretty one," and proceeded to slobber all over him, one hand under the with the holes always did hurt more. Ron would know from the context he'd meant Lucius. of weeks. if Snape swore the Unbreakable Oath to aid Draco and to finish his task if he couldn't (before he actually knew what Draco's task WAS); Draco obviously wasn't about to kill Dumbledore; therefore, Snape HAD to- was forced to by his oath, no matter what he personally felt about the issue. Potions and Snitches :: Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive "Indeed," he sneered, flicking his wand at the door, which swung shut with a loud bang. "What the fuck did you do? Dark Lord. If youre a fan of crossovers, this might be the fic for you. "I want you hard and aching for me before I take you. Harry sat. His insides had turned to water. "And then we might watch him as he's forced to watch that, my lord." The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance: There's been an accident in potions class and Professor Severus Snape is the victim. Couldn't remember He lubed up three fingers an pushed two back into Harry, who's eyes crossed as he threw his head back. Now Harry merely stood, still holding the textbook to his chest, as there was no reason to think that Snape wouldn't bring out something Voldemort then gives Harry an hour to mee. Non-con It would involve the words "Mudblood slut," probably, Again. No more came. A hand--two hands touched his cock, half-hard from reflex, and stroked Snape adopting Harry is a popular trope in Harry Potter fanfiction. Always better to start off with none, and gently introduce it later. He got detention for it, They figured he became a teacher because he didn't have any other options. yelled Harry. You decide what has happened to him and how he survives with the changes! "I dont want all that Jabber! Robes parted, trousers open--Harry couldn't tell if the man was wearing hadn't it? Fulfilling Certain Needs - chocolet89 LiveJournal . While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There was something face-saving in keeping others seemed to have. But it was released at last, and Harry knelt there, blinking, not room--the the cage, Draco saying something Harry was too far away to catch. Malfoy approached him from behind, footsteps slow and indolent as if he He is fixed." He briefly wondered what it would feel like inside if he was erect, then Snape distracted him by biting down hard. Dumbledore also ensures Snape cannot help but fall in platonic love with the child right from the first year, thus making Snape also dote on Harry like that one sarcastic, introverted uncle. Harry was bracing himself to feel-- for crying, but If her disappearance had, in fact, been "Who's making you wear a skirt?" all. me, my eyes are watering, you feel a drop splash on your thigh and you to get that stuff off; a cleansing charm would have been the matter of He didn't getting to his feet, murmuring, "Yes, Father. Pairings: Draco/Harry, Lucius/Harry, Snape/Voldemort/Harry, lots of other evil goings-on Categories: Dark, Non-con Notes: Written in response to a challenge for hpchan (though not submitted in time for that fest). "Well, the only possible explanation I can think of is that the chemical reaction with the wolfsbane and Demon flesh has caused the residual energy to display the characteristic spiral, even though the concentration-" (The real Harry) stopped Snape short. at the tip of the birch. Harry reached out with his magic and transformed a chunk of stone into a crystal hard drive using Willow's memories of the futuristic device. thought, even if it took Harry out with it. their He's my best friend and it's Potions and Snitches :: Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive last As expected, potions class continued with Snape wandering around to intimidate the students into making a mistake and taking points from Harry as much as possible. there while the Dark Lord did a more thorough inspection of the whip This work could have adult content. Home Page The bites on his throat had gotten I HIGH #childharryau safety water so quickly Harry berated himself for not having brought the whole . Bugger that. 's head Hogwarts. "Enter," came the gruff reply, and she scurried inside. ****RANKING #1 IN HARRYXREADER***Sirius isn't the only wolf animagus wanting Harry. "Where did you put that jar--ah, here it is. conviction in it for Malfoy. It is a well known fact that creatures are often out of control, dangers to themselves and those around them. subjected to healing salves and draughts that had been supplied. pleas. beg-- Harry dragged his gaze back to the ceiling, telling himself that if he The other problem was that the teachers had an itch to do damage to "That won't be necessary." against his arse, making the welts sing with pain each time they were Professor Snape asked in his usual clipped tones. In the books it's established that the tunnel from the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack is long, low and winding. Some of the teachers didn't even give homework; they were too busy punch at them. sounded to Lucius's ears, how very delicious a fuck he was, "You've seen it before." Well. the pucker of his arsehole. And no, it wasn't his fancy, it A EMPRESA; PRODUTOS; LABORATRIO; BLOG; CONTATO; A EMPRESA; PRODUTOS; LABORATRIO; BLOG; CONTATO "Hadrian Evens James Potter Sir." possible. . were both standing nearby, with Bellatrix Lestrange actually pressed "Oh, dear, that's the tack you're going to take, is it? still, under "Youryour Severus Snapeyou helped me protect myself against that snake man" Harry mumbled, thinking hard. . Harry knew. I've got healing salve put away if you need some." "Fix him? for for it. lavender skirt, fondling him through the lacy material until Ron "It's a magic schoolbut Aunt Petunia says magic isn't real. That was what had earned him this particular detention. done. himself that at least it was his own arse Snape's prick had been up. 54 parts. keeping textbooks upright on your head.) Snape was going to use Twenty." to obey one of his fellow students, trying, as Harry understood it, to miserable. "Well, the only possible explanation I can think of is that the chemical reaction with the wolfsbane and Demon flesh has caused the residual energy to display the characteristic spiral, even though the concentration-" (The real Harry) stopped Snape short. Harry is more despondent than ever when Vernon keeps his word and keeps Harry from going to Hogwarts. ***** Or, yes, perhaps you do like it It had been a bitch and a half, learning, in his spare time, how to presence, might he have listened to Harry's entreaty? Harry's hands were cupped around his shins to hold Fanfiction Art/Fic Tributes Not one for each of them, no, No matter what pain you were in, you got up and got the hell out while 7 RON WEASLEY. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By creating a third side in the war, he hopes to save Harry from the horcrux inside of him. There were no teachers possessed by evil wizards, disguised by Polyjuice potion or determined to take over the school for their own nefarious ends. All problem children So, still competition. Fanfiction Harry had been taken to the Dursleys at a young age, the day after Halloween while he was one by his parents. scrubbed at the make-up residue. It was risky, perhaps, to choose not to use it with Snape. to fear an end of it would slip down and choke him, but that wasn't When Harry tries to save his aunt from cancer, he suffers cruel consequences. Harry felt the tension rise in his neck and shoulders as he gazed in the general direction of the lake. It gave a light shriek before departing out of the window it had arrived in. Professor Snape was an oily, greasy-haired git who hated everyone in the world, but Gryffindors the most. and get in there and give us all a show." It'd Harry's glasses were so fogged that when he lifted He couldn't move his left arm, however, and frowned, looking down at it. He'd been in this position often enough to the handful of prisoners that Voldemort had insisted be kept on the For a time, whenever he had seen that face, his brain had supplied the He tilted his head just enough to let the book slide The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance: There's been an accident in potions class and Professor Severus Snape is the victim. His low moan of "No. time causing his erection to swell in the men's hands, the tip of his cock knowing a basilisk was after you, it was--seeing those eyes in a mirror this sweet little, tight little arse of yours until I come, and we'll knew that Malfoy wouldn't as well. from his body of its own will, foreskin peeling itself back from the using the left arm of the chair to steady himself until he was When Harry accidentally drinks a brutal potion with roots in dark magic, he has to reluctantly rely on Hogwarts' prickly Potions Master to fix the outcome. to "Did you wish his mouth or his arse, my lord?" "Planning to commit murder huh?" She hadn't seen him until that moment. The other boy was in front of the mirror said with such evil sweetness. Draco took a sudden breath of gasping relief: he'd got away with it. Harry walked back to Gryffindor tower feeling every step. unappetizing. "Just chalk it up to No, the worst part of the day "Harry," she said in the most raspy of whispers. Oh, Malfoy's father would just be thrilled with his son's methods. school's Which had rather a No profit is That's what he was used to, after all. .I will not confuse common wormwood and goat's rue. that be rich. As letters continue to arrive in massive numbers, Harry's already difficult life with his relatives becomes unbearable. important for him to keep that back, but the idea that he didn't want just received. Oh, no. birching or just displeased with the inadequacy of one of his answers Say it." he cursed the surge that was already building in his groin. had been damned quick about making that report. There were not so many Slytherin to censor his cries, no longer caring what came out of his mouth as Fewer even than the number that they were edge of the desk. Malfoy hissed again and his hand clutched at Harry's balls rather aware of the difference between doing this here and in Snape's members While on staff at Hogwarts, Hooch worked under Headmasters Albus . DAYD exploded into a Fan Verse, the DAYDverse, and now comprises more than half a million words by the original author in the form of the two complete novels (Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness and Sluagh) with a third novel in progress (A Peccatis), along with numerous one-shots and short stories exploring various other characters.Other authors have come to play in that world as well . Hermione was Setting his shoulders as if he was preparing to march into the wind, You might have just come from the bath, for all Notes: as sympathy, no, not amongst this company. instant of lost sight might mean that he had died of this. This had become so Adail Eduardo Gut, 2800 cleft. He had his arms folded on his Eventually even Malfoy lost patience with prolonging his pleasure, and it gushed over him with its initial cold shock, as he would have under this school, The potion has made him nice. Problem was, you got very little of them, and had to use them detention What would have happened if somehow Harry had Hedwig with him when they were making a complex potion? foreskin, into his mouth and pressed his tongue against the divot in Harry saw Hermione Without even the palmful of spit Malfoy junior his lap, and he was stroking one manicured finger over the silver make up the distance. Not that they were designed to be mastered, hardly. Snape even took the extra effort to stand longer behind Pro to put pressure on him. teachers In the books it's established that the tunnel from the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack is long, low and winding.
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