Get this. If you like latakia, this is the one for you. I really don't think I will buy again as this is very one dimensional. In addition, although the jarred cubes I had saved became a little dry, moistening them with about a shot's worth of golden rum per half pound will yield a blend that has neither equal nor counterpart. If you like latakia then consider this recommended, at least to try, it's an experience. Pirate Kake :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews :: Pipe Smokers Forums of For me similar to Seattle P ipe Club Plum Pudding Special Reserve without the tanginess. I find it to have a very rich, flavorful smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . I decided to wait a while to review this one because I kept bouncing back and forth from loving to hating it. I love this tin note being so leathery woody and sour. This is the most delicious of all the latakia. Not for beginners ! It has a smokey sweetness to it that I have not detected in any other blend. It deploys a large palette of all distinct aromas you find within the wheelhouses of Latakia and Orientals. Beautiful Latikia Kake. Everyone wants to try, everyone wants to brag about how much they love it, everyone is crying inside. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. The aroma seems to be fairly stong. Chi pu dirlo, questo un fumo da pirati, uomini rudi che amano un gusto davvero preciso e deciso. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. Overall: This is for those who love Latakia, but want something that brings the best out of that fine leaf. I wish there was a more consistent taste throughout on this one. And the smoke has a creamy quality that coats your mouth and nose and everything in a 3 yard radius. I am a fan of Latakia and do not like a lot of spice. This has a very fresh tin aroma, almost perfume like. A favorite for special occasions, definitely not an all day smoke for me. If you don't like Latakia, why are you reviewing a blend that's 70% Latakia then bashing it because it's one dimensional or monochromatic? Maybe it was the drink she was drinking and that it was at night. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. I think it was a dollar an ounce if I can remember correctly and I even called on the phone and placed my order. This tobacco has the same taste, until it all gone, unlike some tobacco's that after half the bowl is gone then you get an ashy burnt like taste. I heard burning leaves and campfire from most everyone there. This is the single greatest Latakia blend on the market. Smokey Latakia seasoned with just enough nutty Burley and spicy/woody Izmir to combust and taste good. Pirate Kake is only for the true Latakia Lover, it has 70% Latakia in it , so unless your a big fan of Latakia, as I am, you may not want to buy over a sample to try. Si sente un eccellente Latakia, un vecchio camino acceso in una grotta, per spiegare la torba e laffumicato. I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. Easy stuff and no problems getting it lit. Pirate Kake may best be utilized as a blending tobacco. It doesn't bite me any, regardless of my technique, it's just a very comfortable smoke. Not just the tongue tingle that spicy orientals give but a solid oriental leaf flavor under the latakia. I poured about a tablespoonful of the rum into the bag and sealed it back up. Stouter than most of those "late evening" blends and a great way to end the day. As my sample was small and I liked it, but yet was not blown away by it, I am giving this one three stars with plans to pick up a tin or two to try later. I got this as a sample from, and wanted to try a crumble cake. The aroma was all latakia and the taste was pretty much the same. I was not disappointed. Share 0 Tweet 0. Burns consistently once lit. There is power in this kake. Put your big boy pants on for this one. . The tobacco came apart quite easily when loading up the pipe. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. PK made the top 5 list. Fantastic stuff for the latakia fan. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning : r/PipeTobacco Fully recommended, but is only for people that fully enjoy Latakia and not for pipe begginers. I have to agree with the wxguy, it does look like a block of Hashish. Definitely a blen d I refuse to ever run out of. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. Bottom line: If you love a big dose of Latakia, then run and get some, if you don't this one may change your mind! It took a little work to get it going, but once lit, it stayed that way. Wow, holding in the hands a brick of this extremely dark brown-black blend (no light-colored bits in it!) Customers Who Smoked Pirate Kake 2oz Also Smoked: I have quite a massive cellar of blends ranging from every form and cut, aromatics,English, non-aros, you name it, and this delicious cake has finally hit the WOW factor in every aspect, even days later when I get a whiff of the lingering aroma!!! Tiene un sabor profundo, muy terroso, ahumado, pero nada agresivo a no ser que le des mucha candela. A smooth, robust blend with lots (75%!) The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. Not for the faint of heart, has some punch to it! Latakia blends are my favorites. For latakia lovers this and "Heart of Darkness" are hard to beat! :) Strength is mild to medium because you cant take a lot of vitamin N from the latakia or the oriental, maybe from the burley but I dont think its a lot of burley in this. It is not at all one-dimensional, even if it obviously is a Latakia forward blend, given its 75% proportion. Not much sticks out: Creosote.. Gunpowder, leather, peat. There is zero burn on nose exhale, and no tongue bite. But even then? It still took a fair amount of relights to get it going each time. If purchased as 16oz. Can't speak to heaven. I've had the privilege of smoking a pretty decent variety of blends for my budget. Earthy, smoky, salty, leathery and full. This is probably the best or 2nd best I've had. It is rich. Somehow, none of the blends I tried hit the spot, offering only a mere tantalizing hint of the Latakia pungency that I was after. A little would go a long way. In my opinion it is inconceivable a mixture with 75% of Latakia because it is impossible to detect any other taste. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. YES! Digging through the packaging you are rewarded with a well presented krumble kake. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. Leaves my pipes dry as a bone. This is a hefty stout LATAKIA, probally Syrian the way it is good and SMOKEY. I enjoy a good Balkan or English blend, but not this much Latakia. As far as the room note goes im not sure just yet. In turn, the Latakia keeps any bite from the spicy Turkish i n check. Pipe Used: MM general, royal meer, savinelli 616, I guess I must be a real Lat fiend too. Delicious Smokey, leathery, earthy, woodsy, Latakia aye cant gets enough of! The smoke has zero bite and is full of flavor. So Im not sure if its a good idea or not but I went thru a pound in a week. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. So like the typical guy I started with aromatics and over the past year I've tried tons of different types of blends finding myself settling into VApers and Balkan blends. Needless to say this is something that I now smoke daily and I encourage you to as well. Consistent flavor, good body, and lots of smokeyou can almost chew te stuff! I love a good lat bomb every now and again, and this blend definitely scratches that itch. Well I was hoping to find something very strong as it's a Latakia Bomb but NO! Another winner from C&D. The latakia is there, right up front, and bold indeed! This comes in a Krumble Kake and was fun to break and crumble to prepare for the bowl. I've been perfectly happy smoking it consistently and plan on getting lots more. I didn't find necessary to humidify again in 5-month period, somehow it keeps sufficient humid in the cake. I would never have purchased this by just reading the 75 % Latakia, but trying this in the sampler was a very nice surprise! Superb taste and smell! I have started using the cigar cutter method of preparation (As shown on the SPC blog) and find that it makes the smoke quite a bit smoother. Ole Pirate Kake. The cake breaks up easiest by hand, first breaking off large chunks of the whole then smaller chunks then rubbing those out into smokable bits. Its an all dayer imho. Its a big black latakia-screaming block. At other times, you may also detect an almost perfumy fragrance, possibly a synaesthetic hallucination. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. Relights are much less frequently on the bottom half of the bowl, in fact, it is burning quite well. I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days. I will keep the 2 lbs. Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. Slightly dry and astringent smoke (but in a good way?). Get Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - 2oz Tin | Cake Tobacco If you're looking for a better Latikia Bomb, check out Captain Earl's Stimulus Package or his Ten Russians. Leaves Penzance (also 5 stars) a mile behind. There are too many others which I enjoy more. The taste didn't turn me o ff, cause it certainly has a beefy bold smoky flavor to it, but it didn't keep me going with it either. I don't know how long it will take me to smoke all this, but since I like to do a Latakia mainline once in a while just for a change, I will not mind having this in my cellar. It burns well and forms a nice ash. Who the hell could detect any casing or topping in this? Nice taste of mesquite, oak, cedar and some pine with a nice bitter dark chocolate after taste that lingers on the palate. Great stuff, IF you like latakia dominated blends. Without risk of being accused of hyperbole, I can categorically say that, if I were forced to only smoke Pirate Kake for the rest of my life, I'd be absolutely fine with that. Similar Blends: Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians. It came at a time of several samples and got stashed away and, well, forgotten about. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. If their is a smoother English out there, I have yet to find it. It brings to mind Texas BBQ, charred wood, and outdoor cookouts. Conclusion: A very interesting and heavy blend. I have saved about a 4 oz chunk of this in a jar and smoked some this evening with some black tea. There is little balance of flavors in that this blend is a showcase of Latakia with the other components only serving to keep it from being too monochromatic. you may even be rogered! Once I broke off a chunk, rubbed it out and let it sit a day or two; boy does it have a great spicey hearth fire scent! Mid-Bowl: The other leaves add their support and give this blend nice body. If you're looking for a delicious lat bomb then PK is your blend, but if you're looking for a lat bomb with a stronger Turkish presence I highly recommend Star of the East Flake. . bomb! I would personally recommend a little drying time for this, as it is a little too moist for my personal tastes. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. The sheer quality of the condementals and the lack of virginia is what sets this blend very far apart from many of the other popular latakia heavy favorites in the Brotherhood of Latakia Junkies. Recommended for Latakiaphiles. Ex cigar smokers might enjoy this more than not. Smoky and tastygreat room note and a delight to smoke! This one didn't work for me. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. The kake breaks apart really easily. I am a Latakia lover. Mmmm. The fact of the matter was simply I liked the tin art But inside the tin was a rabbit whole i have not since stopped tumbling down. As it happens, latakia on its own is quite mild. It is aromatic in a campfire smoked meats kind of way, a little spicy, and just enjoyable. This stuff is ridiculously good. I'm also getting a little cocoa and berry flavors. I only plan on smoking this on occasion myself. Weird but true, and thats exactly where this blend is. I enjoyed Pirate Kake, and when this is gone, I plan on getting more. It's a great cool weather smoke and one of my favorites for outdoor puffing (which is where my wife prefers I take it) which is good because the room note isn't going to make you any friends among non-smokers. A latakia-heavy cake? It's easy to rub out and smokes coolly. Now this blend is a real treat though because the burley in it. An occasional excess has its place in life, and Pirate Kake is an excess. But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. tin provides four bricks of crumbly, rich black tobacco with a few random flakes of lighter orientals here and there. 60 (PK)/40 (Savinilli English) makes a great all day smoke but PK can certainly stand alone. Easily one of the best English blends available. But there is something very special in there that gives me a level of satisfaction thats hard to find. I could maybe see this in my rotation, or as a treat when I have a little time to enjoy a pipe on a lazy morning, but can't see myself smoking this daily. Much better than Star of the East as an overall impression. Just yesterday I had some Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, and I immediately thought of those when I emblazoned a bowl of Pirate Kake for the first time (Buttery smooth caramels, drenched in Belgian dark chocolate, then sprinkled with crunchy rock salt from the Dead Sea). It is also an understatement. That is the exact progression I went through smoking Pirate Kake. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. I bet this would be more popular if it didn't have the Jolly Roger and the mention of 75% Latakia content on the tin. This blend has a lot of charm. Sounds weird maybe, but it is a sublime experience for the latakia lover. PCALHO. The character turning more dark and spicy in the second half so a sweet drink (coffee, tea) goes great with it. Put a pinch in a very large bowl of mature Virginia and youll have something nice, but by itself its just nasty. I would not reccomend it as a first smoke but after a month or so give it a shot. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. Other than many expect, Latakia is a very low in nicotine and tongue friendly tobacco which is very strong in taste, though. The impressive thing about this blend is that it has such a massive amount of latakia but somehow remains interesting and easy to smoke. bomb! The room note is sublime. The burley and orientals help prevent the Latakia from being completely overpowering. This is a very hard tobacco to review, so I'll just note my first impressions. Amazing!! Similar Blends: the body and strength are very similar to Dunhill standard mixture, but the taste is unique.. Too much Latakia??? A cigar is to be enjoyed. Cornell and Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Tobacco: Burley, Latakia, Orientals Cut: Cake Blend Type: English Strength: Medium Your Price: $11.05. I take back ever wanting it as a broken flake, I love the ritual of breaking chunks off the black bricks and rubbing them out individually. It is a good blend but could be better if it were 50% latakia, 30% matured Virginias and 20% orientals, in my humble opinion. How can you claim no nuance in well balanced blends but nuance in a 70% Lat bomb? Another draw on the pipe and the taste changes to that of a herbaceous confection and a middle filled with tuberous roots that are nicely toasted to a slightly bitter but still tasty treat. I just started to smoke pipes, so you could say that I picked up this tin too fast. But it goes south after that, being too one-dimensional. C&D got it right with this one. I love Lat. Given the simplicity of its composition, one might think, a priori, that it is easily imitable, and yet, in my opinion, it has its own personality, something that I highly value in a tobacco, since some blends are like "deja vu" of others, but this does not happen with Pirate Kake. It is sort of goldilocks for me right out of the tin in terms of dry time. So I went ahead and ordered it. If this has 75% latakia, I guess I could smoke pure latakia. The burley is noticeable and really brings it all together. The components come together quite nicely and gives a nice load of nicotine in this offering from C&D. Third mistake: Turkish is absolutely useless and this is not an oriental blend! Taste is med to full and consistent throughout. It's an insult to call it one dimensional like it's some chemical-soaked, aromatic garbage tobacco. #1. This is a niche tobacco for latlovers. This is Lat strong, so if you don't like Latakia, take a pass. update July 2014** I decided to change the blend type of this tobacco to other primarily because I don't believe it is an English blend due to its high amount of Latakia. I fell in love on tin note (also didnt know what that was at the time) that love grew and grew bowl after bowl. Addendum, June 16 2019: The extra aging has tamed the latakia a bit, bringing out the buttery sweetness a little more. Like Guinness Draught, say. I have heard a lot about this lat bomb and I was ready to explode it in my den. Strong pungency/vinegar(?) Highly recommended for those that heartily enjoy latakia, like I do. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. I tend to prefer it more in a condimental sense. But it is a flawed treasure. But i mixed about 60% of this w 40% of comoys #4 and majic happened. There's something about the experience that's like drinking neat tea. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. Full in taste but medium in strength. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. I smoked about ten pipe fulls and was ready to sue by the last bowl. a. any true believer could be the leader of the Islamic world. I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool. As an interval, you get some sweetness and more often some sourness, all this in a good way. The rave reviews by you my brethren afficianados. It's alottalatakia, ALOTTALATAKIA!. I get a creamy taste unlike any other tobacco I have yet tried. If you have tried and liked 10 to Midnight, you will love Pirate Kake. Still very high. Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. Recommended. As was stated in my earlier review of a sample I did end up purchasing a couple tins of this. Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. I like Latikia, but this may be just a bit over the top for me. I kind of feel like talking about tin note and presentation is superfluous with this one. Not so fast! While this tobacco is a little stout for my taste at this point, I did find t hat it has a great taste and aroma. Good sturdy blend for those afternoons/evenings when you want to slow down and count your dubloons, leathery campfire notes with a hint of spice from those orientals just enough burley to balence the blend out nicely. It's definitely loaded with latakia but it just doesn't overwhelm the blend. Purchased From: I don't want to ever do with out this blend. I enjoy English blends in general but this is a bit over the top for me. I love the smokiness and find it wonderful from top to bowl bottom. Not quite balanced, but nearly so. After smoking this I have since went back to an easier smoking blend an d I felt cheapened by the lighter smoke. The pirates have commandeered and taken up residence in my pipe. All that oily goodness ends up on your hands. When put up against any of these blends, even C&D's Star of the East, Pirate Kake just isn't as interesting. Presentation: A hearty, dark dense block. I will comment further when I smoke it again. Being a lover of Penzance, this is just as satisfying and the best . Maybe once a week. blend and an occasional one, at that. Overwhelming Latakia and the master of this blend. Nonetheless, it makes for a great after-lunch/dinner smoke. It has quite a Latakia kick (about 75 percent Latakia.) Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong though; this blend is more of a medium strength. Upon returning to my sun porch I was struck with the room note: as smoky as if one had spent all night tending a charcoal fire preparing a Carolina Pig Pickin'. If latakia is your thing, you absolutely must try this tobacco. It does better with a little drying time than fresh out the can. To me, this one just isn't balanced, and therefore i won't be buying more. I could almost imagine this as a Latakia lovers perfect morning smoke, whereas I had it more in mind as the last smoke of the day. Wow, this stuff is a Latakia monster. I like this stuff, its pleasant. Lighting up the bowl I was greeted by smoke rolling from the bowl and a rich, heavy, sweet smoke that I found very pleasing and that dominated this smoke. I like burley. It is smooth, no harshness at all. A blend of burleys, orientals and a whopping 75% latakia, Pirate Kake is full, smooth and creamy when young. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag - Offering a wide assortment of styles and flavors, Nakhla really is one of the best brands without doubt. It has been sitting in my closet for almost exactly 6 years. Taste is med to full and cons istent throughout. It is surprisingly smooth and easy on the palate. Its just good, kick your taste buds in the butt good, but its good. Flavor wise, it's not as strong as one might expect and I'd say the nic level is medium. I love it! Its now at the top of favorite list; not sure I can make it through my rotation of 50 blends before getting to it again, LOL. The Latakia is always front and center, and to me, that is not a bad thing. Oh man what a blend. It smells very strongly of Latakia in the pouch. Shopping. I don't even jar this stuff, just keep it in the container. Don't let this review throw you off of the stuff you may like it. As others have mentioned, Pirate Kake would probably blend very well with FVF, or other sweet, full bodied, predominately English or Virginia blends. I kept seeing this in all the pipe smoking groups so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try. Of course I recognize that there are some people whose tongues are so scorched and their palettes so brutalized by lat bombs, that they will gladly go down with this ship. This is actually a very well rounded blend. (how many times did I say smoky so far? Highly Recommended! A must try for the latakia lover . And, I almost prefer this one, DaVinci's flavor profile is more complex compared to Pirate Kake. The only heavy latakia blend I like better is CAO old ironside.
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