Tell me what you think would be important about whoever you are rping as. So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. Why arent you asleep? You snap back, eyes finally adjusting to the light. Lets talk you scoff, hands crossing over your chest. Nct Dream reaction to you wearing their clothes. I always thought he looked like you, especially his eyes.Seriously? He found you hiding under the bed, but it honestly didnt shock him. it was obvious that Kun didnt want you in his life. -You want to ask me questions through Inbox? You thought maybe Hongjoong fell asleep, he probably didnt care that you walked out at almost midnight, it wouldnt surprise you. Favourite color would have to be either purple or a dark blue I would choose black but its a shade so thats disappointing. Youre too nice and thats bad. With a deep breath, you approached the couch and sat down beside him, avoiding eye contact for fear of his reaction. This blog is 16/18+. But the minute you saw him, your legs started to shake and you forgot everything.Whats wrong, babygirl/boy? He asked, rubbing your cheek. Where are you going? He asked, making you widen your eyes. Here have some popcorn!, Yukhei (Lucas): He would look around in disbelief almost, lowkeyan I ooping. -I am NOT very active on here. But there was still resemblance between himself and their daughter too. He would trust his members enough to not eye you up and down. He decided to take the risk anyways.Uhm, babyPlease dont take this in any offensive way, but do you notice how much our child looks like Nakamoto..?Hm? NCT DREAM Confirms Comeback With Second Full-Length Repackage Album. Yes, she may look like Jungwoo. Bet you all are jealous~, Jungwoo: He covered his mouth and raised his eyebrows, lowkey grinning when you looked like that. got caught off guard when you started flirting w him a few days later. Remember that next time, okay? He immediately went into over-protective mode, got up and pushed you back up the stairs. but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! He found it funny when youd try to hesitantly explain the word to him, not knowing he already knew what it meant. Whoever you are going to roleplay as! To be honest I see him pushing you back inside with pink hued cheeks. Mine: I wasted too much money on a Red Velvet show.. Now the button. Oh your home you greet him with a small hello before chucking on a jacket which hung on the rack. my inbox is always open for requests or anything. You stood in the dark living room by yourself, after opting to leave your boyfriend alone with his anger, you finally returned home after almost two hours of wondering the streets. You dont see ANY resemblance?No, why?No reason.He decided he was just paranoid, labeling himself as stupid. Urghh. You want to work for me, but you cant even use a gun? He decided to be brave and immediately ask you about it.Hey, do you ever realize how much (S/N) looks like Yoon Oh?I meanNot really? You felt your bottom lip start to wobble, hands shaking. Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. Sometimes he would speak in Korean, or Japanese, just to see that cute confused expression on your face. Read You are wearing their shirt from the story NCT Dream images/reactions by Hana000000888899999 (Hana) with 53 reads. With a feeling of regret, he ran up to your shared room, knocking profusely. here. He still wanted to talk about the argument, despite this, originally planning to sit you down and calmly speak with you. after you said yes and asked . I see I have gotten a decent amount of requests and I will get to them eventually. Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature Courses - Hugged you and didnt let you go until at least a half an hour later. He would be fine in communicating too, and loved to just have English conversations while chilling in the morning, eating breakfast. Nct Dream's reactions to having a small s/o - Nct Scenarios i don't wanna know - kookiewithcream - NCT (Band) [Archive of Our Own] Look at this picture! Realising you two haven't really spent any time just cuddling and . And you never handled stress all to well. Dont they have like the same features!? Like age, personality, et cetera! Yeah you were wearing little clothing than usual, but its still you? Hiiii no its okay! Kun stood at the door way watching as you hoped in a car full of already drunk girls. Im so sorry it took so long! If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha), Build A Jisung (Give him whatever personality traits you want [sensitive for example], whatever kinks you want, however tall you want, etcc! Someone was mad, youd cry. So expect that! Can I request mafia!wayv getting jealous after a arranged marriage?? . It made you so overwhelmed. Eventually, he did see the resemblance between him and his son. But after he calmed down a bit, hed sit next to you and try to understand why you hid. He lifts you up bridal style and lays in bed with you. Your finally back? The lights switch on, squinting your eyes at the sudden brightness you make out Hongjoongs figure in the door way. You put the food on his desk then ran out, sobbing. Are you actually cheating on me with one of my best friends..?N-NO! What's your kpop confession? : r/kpop - Reddit To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. Taeil: When he saw you walk into the practice room with a croptop/tanktop that slightly showed your bra/stomach and short-shorts on, his eyes widened. You can buy whatever YOU want! Something didnt set right in his stomach watching you go out looking like that, but he couldnt exactly do anything. Like I love it a lot actually and Im positive my members love it-. Which was basically never. [You can also roleplay as a different SKZ member, besides Bin and Sung, too!] Would you like to go shopping for new clothes darling? Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. NCT Dream images/reactions - You are wearing their shirt Ten is a bit naive. You saw him working on some files with a stressed-out expression. I need you to go get 10 cold waters. He was very naive to the fact that some members were staring at your body. Yes, Im a bit..Upset. So when you came outside in them he didnt even care, not noticing how minority of his members were looking at you, thinking you Werner wearing any pants under the over size shirt. Thank you for requesting!! HAHAH DONT WORRY BORROW MY JACKET!! Plus Im going to the dance floor. You point to the crowd of people grinding on eachother. kilos more during pandemic. There was no denying that he was more than a little flustered by the little clothing you wearing and your dancing. -The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally! your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. The personality traits I used in this do not reflect on any of the members used. I just feel like he would stare at you. : Yes!! H-huh? but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! -Its fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. You probably wouldnt mind his presence as he would be cool with it.. "What, I'm tired and you left me," you say defiantly not moving. A little too close for his liking, considering the fact that you were basically naked. Jungwoo: You liked it when Woo would speak English, you found it honestly adorable. I will do the same! thank you for requesting. Something about you had him feel different. Why would I ever do that to you!? If I see you near them again, there will be consequences. I-I dont w-wanna do it Oppa/Hyung/Lino You whimpered, letting the tears slide down your cheeks. So I roleplay in third-person. But thank you for liking it he would just laugh at your cockiness but during the night he would make sure to be standing behind you, just incase the skirt flew up or you had to bend down. You want a sundae? Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. Crazy. He looked closer, but didnt notice any resemblance. NOO WHAT EVER DO YOU MEAN! Please !! No one else could tell him otherwise, unless they had complete evidence that was all true. Lets see how fast you can do it! K-Pop girl/boy groups do it ALL the time!Hehe, its just new for them to see me like this sweetie . With that, he had a small debate in his head whether to be mad or not.Oh, whatever. Annoying but cute, is basically what you thought. His smile was almost exactly like the Japanese boy. Hi sorry it took so long!! JEALOUS? Now lets go play videogames., Jaemin: He would raise an eyebrow with a lowkey smirk on his face. I would appreciate if you would do the same but you do not have to.I DONTroleplay with people who do such things like*kisses*, *hugs*. Just ask!) Then hed force feed you Korean knowledge, then yall would just watch a movie at the end of it all. Nakamoto (Yuta): He would honestly find it cute, for some reason. : NCT REACTION what they would do if you flinch Dongyoung (Doyoung): He wasnt too bad in the language, he could speak and understand basic English. jisung, haechan, jaemin. I need to get my clothes-Ill get them for you. Technically, he didnt really tell you when they would be over, so it wasnt your fault. Thank you for requesting!! Hed go up and give you a kiss, then lead you away from his members gazes. Nct dream reaction to their S/o wearing one of their shirts or jumpers. Johnny: He invited some of the members to your house to hang out, but he almost choked when he saw you come down in only a towel. he took the chance to tease you though, something like ahh you just missed me so much huh?, Haechan is sUCH a teasing boyfriend, but he would cuddle up to you as soon you pouted about it, he offered you like 20 of his other shirts to keep and you guys agreed that you could wear his mj shirt when he was away, Haechan normally wouldnt allow anyone to steal his clothes (other than mark) but youre an exception he doesnt mind making, this little flirt master will be so cocky when you wear his hoodie around the dorm bc of course you look stunning, he makes sure to point out that its his hoodie youre wearing when around the other 00 liners, jaemin will shamelessly wrap his arms around you from behind and sit you in his lap Bc he cant resist how comfortable you look, jaems loves seeing you in comfortable/athletic wear, he believes its the best look on you, hell also throw sweats and hats and shirts your way so when hes away and miss him you have them to comfort you, truly has no idea how to react, his shirt was lowkey big on you and it made his heart race, especially when you told him why you borrowed his shirt, because I missed you :(, Chenle has a huge soft spot for the people he loves and girl does he love you, of course he teases you but it never lasts long, he kinda wanted his shirt back but was too scared to ask for it so you just kinda still have it, but Chenle isnt one to share much, but with you hes willing to share anything, jisung is extremely bashful about it bc first of all thats his favorite hoodie and hes not sure how to ask for it back, second of all, you look really cute in it bc odds are its kinda big on you considering its big on him, he just kinda rubs his neck and laughs, he never really expected to see you in his clothes, jisung doesnt ask for back immediately but after like a few weeks hell definitely be like uh y/n? It'd make him sad for obvious reasons There'd be a point where you'd want the old Doyoung back. met you from a mutual friend. Ever try any diet? Your finally back? The lights switch on, squinting your eyes at the sudden brightness you make out Hongjoongs figure in the door way. "You missed me, huh?" he whispered, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. A few days before that, the members huddled together for a conversation with Teen Vogue via Zoom . The smut can be hard/kinky, could be vanilla/soft, doesnt matter! Jeno's Reaction: You're One Year Older ; Haechan. : NCT REACTION the dreamies see you wearing their - Chocolvte Hed go and explain that you should try more layers when you are out so no creeps stare at you, telling you that the world is a scary place sometimes.The world now-a-days, is filled with weirdos who like to try and get with pretty people like you, so please wear more layers. doesn't know how to tell you. Now you want to talk? He starting feeling worried after he couldnt find you for fifteen minutes straight, so he started pulling everything out. I cant even choose which group have the best performance. you weren't planning on sleeping over at first, so when renjun managed to convince you to spend the night at the dorms you didn't have any clothes on you except the ones you were wearing. If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. -I do not judge how people roleplay normally. No more. This is Mafia!au so if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. Binnie broke the kiss, giving you a tissue to clean yourself up.Youre too cute, baby. Im sorry it took so long !! it doesn't suddenly hit him one day that he fell for you. Why would you ever cheat? "Nope. I-Im sorry hyung, I just got worried..I understand. He started calming himself down, thinking of everything he just told you. he liked the memes you sent so he dmed you. Masterlist ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. (They can see A LOT OF TIDDY) would love this for BTS as well if you can " A/N: writing for bts first since I have to kinda back into writing for got7. They had the same eyes and even nose. Except hed feed you, bathe you, and everything he normally would. Haechan:To be honest, it just started a screaming match after he confronted you, looking very angry.I CANT BELIEVE THIS, YOURE CHEATING ON ME WITH JOHNNY! Hed clear his throat, taking off his shirt and forcing it on you. Not really, I mean maybe the smile- WaitAre you saying what I think youre saying! Okay bye and with that he watched you walk out the door. Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. When he asked Johnny, all he said wasyou must be paranoid. This is complete fiction, my imagination. As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. thinks to himself that he got this, i mean he can handle the dreamies, and there is no way you could be more chaotic than them right? Originally posted by kunxxxsol. You noticed, but decided not to say anything, everyone does it. Good. A/n: my heart bust an uwu this is a cute request, day 3 of the posting everyday for a week celebration :)). A/N: This is not proofread so be aware of writing mistakes :) I hope you enjoy!! M, WAYV reaction when you wear revealing clothes, Requested? So finding you hiding in the garage just earned a very long stern talk, ontop of an hour long time-out. Hongjoong shook his head Im not going to fight with you no more. Naturally, you move onto your jeans. It could be a really long reply or a decently short reply. nct 127 NCT taeyong nct taeil johnny johnny seo nakamoto yuta doyoung jaehyun winwin jungwoo mark lee haechan nct reactions NCTU nctdream kpop reactions. Lets talk you scoff, hands crossing over your chest. until you started being more and more flirtatious w him. NCT Dream Reaction: You wearing their shirt - Alicanta77 Im absolutely wrong, I dont know what got a hold of me! he looks a lot like you. Yoon bluntly said to Taeil, making the older one snap his head over in confusion. especially because they're kind of oversized on you and they make you look like such a cute little bean! You get upset too easy, we need to work on that. I got so worried. nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes Who wouldnt? I dont see it! NCT Dream~ Reaction to you wearing revealing clothes . In a similar vein to wearing new clothes, trying them on indicates change may be on the way. Doesnt make sense does it? So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. But what? Isnt that to short? Show. Taeyong: He wasnt the best at English, but he did try very hard at learning it and had a basic understanding of the language. Hm, I dont know. I know-I know its your house but I dont want them staring at youu! ), Obedient Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Changbin (Like Omegaverse. Then he would go upstairs and grab a penguin onesie from the closet, thinking of an idea.ANYONE WHO DRESSES UP IN A ONESIE FROM THE CLOSET IN THE HALL GETS EXTRA FOOD, *whispers* and cuddles~, SiCheng (WinWin): He would smirk and go to back hug you, pecking your neck lightly. Then, DM/PM this account and tell me about yourself and/or your OC. NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes . Well that did raise some questions. Please !! - nct dream ; reaction - Wattpad May 9th, 2022. Want to request? you were celebrating nothing, you were all just bored and wanted to do something. Featured. You stood in the dark living room by yourself, after opting to leave your boyfriend alone with his anger, you finally returned home after almost two hours of wondering the streets. NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes For me? "just stay." I do maleXmale, femaleXmale, and genderneutralXmale. The argument was petty on his behalf. Originally posted by radgies. Thank fuck. I appreciate the requests and messages <3, I do take requests, I am just not on-top of them and very active so I do apologize.
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