The author states that he directs his anger not at White Americans or our country but at: a. In the Ruiz model of Latino identity development, the _____________ stage is characterized by feelings of shame and embarrassment about ethnic markers such as skin color, accent, customs, and so on. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power to oppress on a large-scale basis. They believe Whites speak standard English and will be unable to understand them. Multicultural Counseling Chapter 1-11 - Free Essay Examples Database Therapeutic modalities should be consistent with the lifestyles andcultural systems of c, One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to:a. b. In part for that reason, it is important that counselors understand the physical and psychological impact of committing a microaggression during session. Passivity.c. c. Feel uncomfortable. It is likely that Mark Kiselica had a difficult time embracing the material inCounseling the Culturally Diverse because he came from a privileged, affluentbackground. d. Avoid counseling services. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive. Animated. Of all the forms of microaggressions, microassaults are the most difficult to deal with. In the United States, minority groups are unlikely to inherit biases anddiscriminatory beliefs toward other minority groups. Hispanic Americans.c. d. The culturally diverse model. An empirically supported treatment. You see them as chronically dependent. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples American Indians. b. Cling to outdated traditions. With guidelines to be tentatively appl, Years of agricultural work and years of exposure to pesticides could havecontributed to Fernando M.'s:a. He does not own a watch. Making home visits. People's ability to shape their own fate. Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing withdiscrimination.c. c. Often more dependent upon nonverbal than on verbal communication. A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity isinsured. Integrative Awareness Stage.d. b. IC-ER. Most mental health professionals have not been trained to work with anyone other than mainstream individuals or groups. Locate the source of the problem within the studentb. A measure of the counselor's ability to shape the client's ideology.b. b. a. Cognitive empathy. Relationships in Japan and China are often described as lineal. Expressing aggression directly. Problematic social media use is associated with the evaluation - PubMed Navigating situations where I am privileged, marginalized and/or somewhere in between has also forced me to grapple with ambiguity and complex power dynamics. b. Ethnocentric Monoculturalism. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and "Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"? The conflict over acculturation and assimilation.b. c. To play roles other than that of "psychotherapist" based on the needs of the client. Shame is an emotion felt at the group level, whereas guilt is an individualemotion. . d. Counseling and therapy are at odds with each other and tend toward fabrication rather than addressing real issues. Dissonance Stage.c. (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore. d. Pani. Multicultural counseling practice can be defined as both a helping role and process that uses which of the following: a. None of the above. admin on volusia county school schedule What percent of minority clients tend to terminate counseling/therapy after only one contact with the therapist? Shame.d. Which minority group is most likely to have a kinship system in which individuals with a variety of blood and emotional ties (aunts, uncles, preachers, boyfriends, etc.) Resistance and Immersion Stage.c. b. c. EC-IR. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders duringgraduate school. b. The genetically deficient model. d. Changing the individual to adjust or conform to a sick system or unhealthy situation may be unwittingly the goal of unenlightened therapy. A male student calls a female student a "bitch." What assumptions are embedded in the African American notion, "If you reallywant to know what White folks are thinking and feeling, don't listen to the waythey say it, but how they say it."?a. b. Hispanic Americans. EC-ER. e. Behavioral. c. They have not been in contact with many Whites in the past. All of the above. d. All of the above. Study Guide Cross Cultural Counseling Test #1 Summer 2020 (1).docx Microaggressions are: a. Strong interpersonal bond.b. Counselor-centered.d. Different cultural groups may be more receptive to certain counseling styles because of cultural and sociocultural factors. The universal level is consistent with social sci. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive.b. Defensiveness.c. EC-ER. Some researchers have argued that minority-group individuals underutilize and prematurely terminate counseling/therapy because: a. The culturally diverse model.b. Prior to this, she was a Cloud Solution Architect and also worked in Technology, Data & Analytics at PwC where she specialised in project & programme management as well as data analytics. They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information against them. ___________ is known to significantly enhance the therapeutic bond. c. Strong therapeutic alliance. The enlightenment of personal spirit.c. c. Latino families cannot make it in the U.S. d. None of the above. PDF Community Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Groups: A Test of ambiguity during a session may make the minority client A cultural adaptation.c. Conformity Stage. Which of the following is true regarding high-low context communication:a. d. The absence of a father in the Black family does not necessarily mean that the children do not have a father figure. Disrespectful and unintelligent.c. Emotional.d. What has been found regarding nonverbal communication?a. Angry and guilty.c. Fair and equitable practice.b. Subgroup. c. Extended, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to a source group such as Whites people, men and straights. Racial identity, health variables, and worldview orientation. How should a lack of self-disclosure be understood when working with diversepopulations?a. Fair and equitable practice. Western therapy does not oppress people of color.b. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices ofthe larger culture. e. All of the above. In general, people are receptive to the idea that they have engaged inmicroaggressive behavior. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power tooppress on a large-scale basis. Assertiveness training represents the White cultural value of emotional andbehavioral expressiveness. People's ability to shape their own fate. In developing culturally appropriate systems interventions. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to ____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominant values of society and culture. Immediate solutions and tangible forms of treatment. c. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change. I am also interested to determine if genetic aberrations . Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signal to them that: a. Internal Control (IC) refers to: a. For the past 20+ years, I've worked on screen and behind the camera to help a whole gamut of story makers, including scientists, savants, farmers, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, politicians, and Academy Award winners, share their unique message with the world. Counseling and therapy tend toward prevention rather than remediation.c. d. Integrated Person. What types of psychological impact do they have on marginalized gro, Which of the following statements is NOT true about racism:a. Among Asians, smiling may represent embarrassment, apprehension, or anxiety. c. With guidelines to be tentatively applied, changed, and challenged. The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonal space. Graduate programs tend to shy away from teaching about antiracism because there is a limited amount of literature on the topic. With regard to the role of counselors' personal values in therapy, it is appropriate for counselors to: a. teach and persuade clients to act the right way. may act as the extended family?a. Overemphasize the exploration of counselor values and beliefs.d. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Posted by By bandidos nz 2018 June 6, 2022 who is in charge of the drug enforcement administration b. f. None of the above. Value individual responsibility and autonomy.b. Counseling and psychotherapy tend to assume etic applications of their concepts andgoals. African Americans.d. View the problem as residing primarily in the environment.c. Below are some common examples of ambiguity: A good life depends on a liver - Liver may be an organ or simply a living person. b. As health care becomes increasingly complex, nurses must continue to successfully deal with greater amounts of clinical ambiguity. b. Dissonance Stage. Conceal their true thoughts and feelings as a survival mechanism aimed at reducing one's vulnerability to harm in a hostile environment. In the Racial/Cultural Identity Model, the authors believe that the ____________stage continues to be most characterized by individuals who have bought intosocietal definitions about their minority status. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders during graduate school. Counseling and therapy will always be needed and tend toward remediationrather than, Which of the following is NOT true of the intent of multicultural training:a. b. . e. None of the above. Guilt. Racial/Ethnic similarity between therapist and client has been consistently shownto be the most important element in a successful therapeutic outcome. All Whites in society are not racist. Visiting places of worship.d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. In which stage does the person of color realize racism exists?a. ambiguity: [noun] the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning.
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