A single gardening glove is in their place on the bed. Write about how they didnt mean to, but in an attempt to build a time traveling machine, your character actually discovered alternate universes and then accidentally trapped themselves there. Here are the fiction writing prompts we have: These are the nonfiction writing prompts: Save This Resource NOW for Quick Reference Later, 200+ Fiction Writing Prompts In the Most Profitable Genres. But contrary to what was expected, the water is actually creeping inland, not back out to sea. Everyone lives in harmony with each other. Special interest. How to have healthy communication in your family. Your character is going about their normal day when suddenly, a low sound blares outside and doesnt stop. Business, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Pro Author. But without having a clear idea of what to write about, that dream can seem too far out of reach. Write about how to conquer toxic desires. Compose a poem, a short story, a personal essay, or write a song (that would be rather fitting). 40 Self-Help Writing Prompts Write about a time when you had to start over in your life, and what you learned from that. Falling in love is never easy. All prompts are my own - so you may use them as you like! But when someone your character has never met before steps up to challenge your supposed-to-be life partner, theyre forced to be with a stranger. They have the power to right our wrongs and start anew. Writer's Den's Story Generator. Title: FALLING INTO FIRE. View the prompt as an idea to kickstart your writing. We have over 400 original writing prompts you can use across several different genres. Turns out, they are. Here are 3 ideas you can use to create fictional characters and stories: Write about a character who pretends to be cool and tough, but is actually shy and sensitive. Urban fantasy takes place in a predominantly urbannot ruralsetting Contemporary fantasy is set in the present day (or the time in which it was written) Magical Realism Touches of magic are incorporated into the real world Blurs the lines between fantasy and reality Medieval Fantasy A subgenre of historical fantasy Set in the Middle Ages Your character is a rare breed who was born without it. Fiction writing prompts are an amazing way to get the creative writing gears moving and generate new ideas for your next (or first!) Fantasy is all about magic, creatures, and abilities. Write a story about how your character sees balloons hundreds of them floating toward the sky from miles away. From Fantasy to Science Fiction to Horror to Romance, our free and easy-to-use writing prompt generator can get your gears turning for whatever fiction story you want to write. . Write a story about how the world your character currently lives on is nearing its breaking point. The second thing you could do is read urban fantasy books by fellow, successful authors. Turns out, theyre not really from where they think. Write a guide for how to discover whats truly meaningful to you with your faith. What you can gain from being open-minded in every aspect of life. Write a thriller about how odd and unexplainable events are said to happen in a certain seaside town. If youre writing a nonfiction book, we have great ideas for you to focus on. Your worlds current society is one bred for advancement. Thoughts can be stolen. But after an argument with a stranger, their view of love, and life itself, is changed. Open discussion on ways in which one can develop new morals and values. Winter is the only time two lovers can be together, for whatever reason. What living a happy life is defined as according to you. Each day may produce a completely different reality than the one before. Your character is of a very noble household and can barely sleep each night. A good prompt can give you the inspiration you need to craft a paragraph, a book, or an entire series. Finally, they decide to introduce themselves to the person who Fate seems to be pushing their way. That is, until a new form of choosing a leader is proposed. Hunted. A long-lost shipwreck is found, completely intact. Once they find out, they cant help but need to change it. A waft of something flowery washes over your main character as they jog down the street. Your main character takes it upon themselves to visit in an effort to see just how accurate the sightings are. During a follow-up set of interviews, your character conducts around a certain mob member, long thought to have put an end to that very mob, they find out that the mob member has been lying for 30 yearsabout everything. You are now a known factor for world powers, crazy nutjobs, major religions, and people who would give anything for the immortality you possess. If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket. Happiness is an illusion, as are every other emotion. Write about why it's important to break the rules in life sometimes. Trials and tribulations of a blended family. With everyone in their family having gone to an ivy league school, your main character feels the pressure to get in and get As. After hitting it off, they go out on a date that ends very poorly for one of them. But when their best friend goes missing and their body shows up in front of their house, your character makes it their mission to find out whos responsible even if it means breaking the lawa lot of laws. Write about how children are the future. Searching for urban fantasy writing prompts? How professional athletes approach health and wellness. Its been two years since your character has actually had a steady job. This short-but-jam-packed writing prompt book by author Erica Blumenthal is just the firepower you need to get you through the frustrating and debilitating obstacle of writer's block. The negative impact toxic friends/family have on your self-esteem. One-Page Fiction Readings by Grade Level. Write a horror book about how there have been attacks in your characters town as of late. Theyre herded like cattleto be used in the same way as cattle. Witnessing someones descent into madness is something your character never thought theyd experience. Your main character has been feared it or been affected by it. Societal standards of health and wellness. After weeks of letters piling up, they finally decide to read one. A group of "outsiders" become a clique that eventually excludes others. But after witnessing them limping into their home, covered in something dark at 4 am, your character has questions. It provides a spark of an idea as a starting point to stimulate a natural flow of writing. Write about a single member of each noble family who has been murdered every week for the past two months. Peace. Write about how to find what you value in life. Write a story about how in your characters world, identity is implanted into your forearm at birth. Here are 26 Writing Prompts about Happiness: No matter who you are, youll experience moments of self-doubt and a lack of confidence. Thank goodness they make a new friend. Romantic Fiction Writing Prompts and Story Starters And they said your twenties would be the best years of your life. Write a story about how marriage is just what happens when youve been with someone forever. When an outsider tampers with its mechanisms, the tower breaks down, leaving your main character and everyone else struggling to survive. Now they have to decide whats best for their settlement. Video footage of them at the scene during the murder shows that clearly. When the truth of how they manage to find habitable planets surfaces, a new recruit shows them just how wrong it really is. Your main character did and they grew up to marry their childhood sweetheart. Write about how our morals and values change as we grow up. But theres a lesser-known brother Santa who every five years takes gifts away from children who have been naughty even once. But when they get interrupted by the weird kid at school, they have to set some ground rules for its use. Real writers know that you can easily come up with bits and fragments of a story but the overarching plot can be tricky to drum up. What you have to remember, though, is that everybody wants to be happy. Theyve never had visions before, either. 1. 7. Write about a character who researches untouched societies as a living. Schedule your writing time and follow your deadlines if you really want to finish, Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive its actually. When someone new finally learns the truth, reality becomesconfusing. Write a story involving a character who officially meets the person theyve been bumping into all over town. This is one of the top book ideas right now. Your lifes expectations versus its reality. by Maggy van Eijk. Your characters new goal? Unfortunately, they become radioactive, toxic, and severely deadly to anyone who breathes in even a tiny amount. Weigh societal values that actually negatively impact our lives. As theyre walking to class one day, they hear that familiar song in the distance. Write about nature extremists taking over the government, stopping at nothing to ensure all man-made harm on the planet is eradicated. Itll be fun, they said. While it doesn't have to be dark, it often uses themes that correspond to the darker side of city life. When processing images from a recent event, they notice a single person on the outskirts of. They must learn to push out anyone who tries to alter their perception of reality. #7 People thought society would be better if we killed the worst 1% every year. Ways in which you can improve your sex life. There, they discover real. The first being, who is the person who wrote the note? Little did they know that this small town could house so much of what theyre really looking for in life including a hottie with a less-than-favorable reputation. How to find health through personal reflection. Write about how morals and values differ within different cultures and regions. Write a book about how a crack in the window was all the thief needed to secure the right position that allowed them access to the towns most famous piece of history. Write to your parents about all theyve taught you about life, love, and happiness. Your character wakes up one morning and all the candles in their house are lit. Write about your idea of the best combination of morals and values. Fun creative writing prompts to inspire and educate. Then their fathers friend shows up out of nowhere and explains all of it. The leaves on all the trees have turned black but refuse to fall off the branches. That settlement doesnt actually exist. Black Perspectives, the award-winning blog of the African American Intellectual History Society, invites essays on the topic of "Post Racial Democracies?". To help you choose a prompt that excites you, we've split them into several categories: fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, romance, and contemporary. Write about a time when you were wrong and didnt realize it for maybe years. Edited by: Dr. Emanuel F. Camacho. Write about whether or not emotional closeness with family affects your life. How success ties into happiness and how to define them separately. Writing Prompts: Science Fiction Romance Literary Examples: Nightchaser, Angie's . Ohand they have a one-year-old to take care of on top of it. #1: Write a scene starting with a regular family ritual that goes awry. Nobody knows where theyre coming from and theres not a single personal item in them. Write a story about a dimly lit street at 3 am. 1. Write about accepting who you truly are and how it can change your life. Your character is one of many attempting to board a ship set for a new in-ocean settlement. One day the town wakes to find it pulverized, reduced to nothing but dust and sand. Your characters country is the bestuntil a new ruler steals the throne by forceof magic. Write a story about how your main character gets into an accident. Write a book about how they really thought they were helping by creating a single drug with the power to eradicate diseases, illnesses, and even cancer. But after an unexpected death, your character is forced to live without their true love. because the formula does not factor in conceptual difficulty of a text. Memories and confessions of love are penned within those letters. Well, they didnt until some sort of advanced, technical probe crash-landed in their settlement, exposing the fact that theyre not alone. Write a story about how the government was taken over by the rich nearly 50 years ago. Well, they did, anyway, until they uncovered who the voice belonged to. They turn and follow the scent to someone dancing in the middle of the street to no music while reading a book. Sometimes when imagining the creation process, we can put too much emphasis on all the right elements coming together in order for us to be struck by an idea for a story, play, essay, or blog post.However, writing is a muscle, and like other muscles, it must be exercised every day. Theyre a hardcore believer in natural selection. How your childhood friends affected your adult life. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world. See our extensive collection of Creative Writing Prompts. One day, they see that very bike leaning up against their house but this time, they dont blackout. In this section will look at 7 urban fantasy specific writing prompts. Your character, having spent their life in a type of foster care, applies for a job only to realize that now, at the age of 18, their identity is showing two different sets of information. Write about a character whos done everything theyre told. When they open it, their half-finished pieces are completedand it wasnt their doing. Your main character has worked their entire life to make their dreams of curing cancer a reality. How negativity can greatly impact your health. Top 50 Fiction Writing Prompts Here are 50 fantastic fiction writing prompts that will help you start your next story. We've collected 50 fourth grade writing promptsincluding opinion, persuasive, informational, and narrativeto spur your students' imaginations and get them writing! Write a story about how centuries ago, a solar flare damaged the Earths atmosphere in the opposite way expected; it actually made it stronger. Now, with only a short adulthood left to live, your character must ensure nobody else learns of this secret. A struggling writer in the modern-day world gets an unexpected visit from her great-great-great-grandmother, who was a well-known author in the 1800s. Most importantly, have fun! They were (romantically involved) with your main character when the theft occurred. How to introduce self-love into your life. actually what their specific relationship can benefit from. These urban fantasies often blend the lines between humans and paranormal beings or mythical creatures. Everyone has a personal journey. Write a story about how eight murders have taken place in your characters town in the past 8 weeks. You then shoot them both, to the shock and horror of your archenemisis. How to include the people in your life when finding happiness. Whether or not your family can truly impact who you are as an adult. A red bike with a white basket and muddy tires. Your character is the one who was supposed to keep it safe. 6. Write about how your main character lives in a society of slavery. Write a story about how two thousand years after a massive wave of a fatal illness swept over the entire world, your character navigates a life of poverty and hardship, struggling to feed their very young twin siblings and alcoholic father. But for some reason, the person addressing them thinks they already know everything about it. I get it. But when it seems like a cure is within reach, a suspicious fire burns all of their researchor so it seemed. >> UPDATE: Due to the popularity of this post (thanks, you! Let's dive into five easy tips for writing incredible urban fantasy. Write a story about a character who lives in an ancient society. Write about a characer who has a dream they got a certain magical power or giftonly to discover later that day that they DO now actually have it. Goals in life and how to accomplish them. Write a story about how the outdoors is plagued with radioactive particles created by a new technology once thought to eradicate airborne diseases. But when your character can hear every single thought someone has about them, it quickly reduces their chances at finding love. Your character, who has spent their entire life in this world, takes a trip to the mountains far away from their home.