With proper psychological tactics, we could undermine their main line of defense against the people. Freedom Cycle HomeCovid/TyrannyP.U.B. the relative success was supposedly owing to the large section in Spain, the increase in other Spanish speaking countries (namely in Latin America), and until 2 years ago a member of parliament in Pakistan. 4 March, 2010. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo p There is extensive video evidence in the public domain showing him being arrested and harassed by individual officers and by large groups of officers, yet not one court case against him has been initiated after the fines were issued but not paid or responded to. heiko is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing You can easily tell by the fact that ONLY the west side had graffiti. I WAS RECENTLY BANNED FROM THE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE PAGE. This has informed my interest in the dismissal of Khoo. See exhibit of IOPC complaints. MercyOne Des Moines Diabetes and Endocrinology Care (IDEC) 411 Laurel Street. 0 . The coronavirus crisis concealed a global power grab by finance, tech and Pharma giants. When this happened in the SWP, recently, on the surface it was about hacked emails, an overbearing organiser or too and a bunch of stuff about party democracy tacked on for good measure. London has played a decisive role in world history for centuries. A gun not used, rusts.. Politically, such programs serve only to deflect the thoughts of the people from revolution as the only method of putting an end to war. The International Marxist Tendency (IMT) for those who dont know are an international Trotskyist movement whose chief intellectuals are Alan Woods and Lal Khan. Dillinger was a thief and a killer, however, he gained the love of the people because he was fighting the same people that the masses hated. Some police officers (perhaps under instructions from superior officers acting on information from forward intelligence units) have targeted Dr Khoo for harassment and detention. We cant beat them in open warfare, that is obvious. He has had every opportunity to make use of thedemocratic channels of the organization to put forward his ideas. Matt Hancock Squirms, Runs & Hides when asked for Evidence for The Corporate Oligarchs that rule our governments almost never keep it in their home nation; also a pressure point. Get recommendations for other artists you'll love. However, he is determined to Webinars & Podcasts Contact Dr. Heiko. Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, by Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Khoo is a journalist and a member of the NUJ and a candidate for the London Assembly elections for the Let London Live Party. One of the replies by Papakonstantinou to Khoos protests at this stage was to say that non-members had the opportunity to voice their opinions at the annual World Congress, which was intercepted by a chap called Mike Cutler, who asked: what sort of workers democracy is there going to be, when right from the start, workers and members of the founding organization get to whisper their voices and problems ONCE a year to the few in charge. Study Psychological tactics, new forms of propaganda, Enhanced Computer strategys. This childish tirade about the ALF and Blowing things up is NO WHERE in what I said. www .rachelkhoo .com. Including the Diary, Written on Location During the War in 1982 Heiko Khoo Let London Live candidate Central West-London. When Keir Starmerannounced last weekthat his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, wouldnt stand as a Labour candidate at the next general election, he didnt know hisdeclaration would almost immediatelybe eclipsed by Nicola Sturgeons shock decision to quit asScotlands First Minister. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. The Speaking Area of Hyde Park covers a large part of the North East area of Hyde Park and has been set aside as an area where speakers are permitted to address people and therefore also for people to listen to them since the 1872. From 280. On 28 November one arrest was for possession of a class B drug, this went to the Crown court in Southwark, where the CPS dropped the charges. Website. Home "Return to Bomb Alley 1982 - The Falklands Deception" On the 40th Anniversary of the Falklands Conflict. She also spent eight years in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, where she led a group and developed technology that could look the specificity of antibodies and different diagnostic assays to diagnose autoimmune diseases. I dont entirely understand the defense you are putting up; perhaps you are not understanding my point that whether it is the chosen way in which we as individuals choose to pursue our political beliefs or not, the current undoing of the IMT will affect far left politics in this country, and some conclusions will be offered on whether the split in the Labour partys militant arm was correct or not. Hardly a lot of time. That Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been explicitly targeted by police officers at Speakers Corner and at other rallies and events, and have been subject to harassment, intimidation and illegal detention for their political views. Following Dr Khoos speech at least 80 officers arrived to chase Mr Corbyn and a few hundred people out of the Speakers Corner Area. Heiko Khoo Ejected From Speakers Corner London. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. Dr Heiko Khoo appears to have been corrupted by Piers Corbyn The once sane individual appears to have lost the plot as far as Covid-19 is concerned. He undertook his residency at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth and was selected in 2006 for the Advanced Training Program in Orthopaedic Surgery in Western Australia. Heiko 57 was born in London and lives in Ladbroke Grove. The harassment has continued even after he declared his candidacy in the Mayoral election in London. Heiko Khoo Ejected From Speakers Corner London - Newsflare Heiko initially supported a 3-week shutdown as it appeared that SARS-COV-2 was a totally new virus, which nobody had immunity to. Dr. khoo's office is located at 2601 Veterans Drive, Harlingen, TX. This conflicts with the Human Rights Act, which guarantees freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination. I arrived on Friday, so it's been a short but really productive and enjoyable trip. If you give me a land line or a payphone number I can call you. 2. This means empowering the people to challenge state and corporate power. Though his defence is that he is a voluntary member and not obliged to abide by the IMT rules regarding strictly confidential material. Dr Khoo has been speaking at Speakers Corner Hyde Park since 1985 and am the producer of the Speakers Corner radio show. However, as soon as the first gun was fired, they realized all that they learned was no longer completely useful. For Questioning Doctrine, and Advocating change. Monday, 20th February 2017. View the map. On each occasion although FPNs for breaching coronavirus rules were issued, no court process has been initiated by the Crown. Dr Heiko Khoo. As for the ones and twos, I found that appealing and sensible, until I realized it was gaining 1 or 2, and losing or expelling 2-3; overall. His doctorate completed in 2018 is an analysis of the Chinese socio-economic system and its inner workings and contradictions. It's hard to believe that we are now over three years into the COVID-19 fraud. Your actions are tantamount to sabotage of the work of See Morethe International -instead of constructive criticism channelled through the elected bodies of the organisation! Nationality: BRITISH. he said If they were given the OK, the DDR would still exist today. Maybe that would be a good thing, because with the fall of Stalinist Russia, some real reforms could have been made in the DDR. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. First Name. Youre assuming that the IMT is undone because it isnt falling into line with your perspective, which is one that assumes that the IMT assume a place wiithin what you call the far left and submit its own ideas of independent political character to the inspection of people outside the IMT, and who have no interest in its focus or perspective. My instinct tells me, however, that as with the SWP, it is a question of tactics, and the IMT are reaping the rewards of contradictory political positions of pushing for continued work inside the former mass parties, only to be forced by events to move away as in Italy or Germany or to face factions which take the logic of Woods position to its logical conclusion and justify all sorts of comrpromises to stay within the party in question. We have exposed every aspect of virology and it is clear that the virus model is not supported by The police had been watching that music event for at least an hour without taking any action. There is little or no evidence to support the contention that open air events, gatherings pose any significant risk to public health. If you do not write, then you, by your own words, admit that you are stuck in a circle of outdated Dogma, unwilling to change, regardless of consequences. As you may know, the IMT has its own democratically elected organs. LBC the UKs number one commercial news talk station is launching a brand-new, 15-part weekly podcast hosted its award-winning evening presenter Iain Dale. Also, in many circles of Liberals, while they openly dont support the ALF, they gladly support the Urban Terrorism surrounding them. If you would like to discuss to clarify we should do so ASAP, within the next week. Dear Mr. Corbyn, Out of the blue the police aggressively marched towards the middle of a crowd of about 200 people listening to music. Dr Khoo is a veteran speaker in Hyde Park who collaborated over a period of 5 years with the former Hyde Park liaison officer PC Steve Barnes in order to promote a peaceful and free exchange of ideas in Speakers Corner. Heiko Khoo | Raincoat Optimism But allthings have their limit. I think your perception of our ego problems is in fact a projection of your own, and that if you really understood things as well as you think you do, you wouldnt be bothered by any of this to begin with. He has lodged many complaints to the IPOC about this, but not one has made any concrete progress. Ive got to be done with this. This CPGB article explains all, but as it also says, the dispute in Pakistan might not equate to much, since that is its most successful area, though it is true that there are some cracks. Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been subject to illegal harassment, intimidation and false imprisonment on numerous occasions between April 2020 and April 2021. 2. Dr Heiko Khoo Has His Say! Inside The UK Pfizer Headquarters But he has been arrested on 6 occasions since 1 November and subject to harassment, intimidation and arrest by the police at Speakers Corner and elsewhere. Nothing to do with ego problems of my own which I think lowered your argument, made you come across rather foolish and half hearted. Reaching this diagnosis is heavily dependent on the correct use and interpretation of . We therefore resolve that Heiko Khoo is expelled from ourranks with immediate effect. . So much time, Michael? Dr Paul Khoo. so Khoo possibly committed a breach of trust by posting confidential information on facebook. Robert Wiktorin. Unverified Profile. The Speakers Corner area is a location which is symbolically important for British democracy and where there is ample space for people to keep distant from each other if they so choose, or if they are asked, or even forced to do so. I posted the news about Khoo because it looks like it symbolises the undoing. 4 March, 2010. Signposts Published a year ago | Comments. The police pulled out truncheons and swung them at people without any grounds, despite being asked to put the truncheons away. Dr. Roz Heiko. Or call Heiko on 07722523629. I said among other things: We must use new methods of militarization. Breaking windows, and kidnapping in most cases will only turn the masses against us. Today the situation is as different as the English Revolution is. 21st Century Wire's Podcast: INTERVIEW: Heiko Khoo on COVID Censorship University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine (1995) 1245 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 717 Los Angeles, CA 90017. Subscribe. He completed his PhD in 2018. However, science is not a sacred cow. Dr Heiko Khoo talks about having been assaulted and thrown out, alongside with Piers Corbyn, of "The World Transformed 2021" in Brighton on Sunday the 26th o. Piers has been targeted for arrest in a discriminatory fashion. The reports about the violence from protestors in Hyde Park on Saturday totally misrepresented what happened. Get recommendations for other artists you'll love. There has been a great split in Spain, some splits in the camp allied to Chavez (for, one has to credit, the noble reason of the anti-Ahmadinejad line in Socialist Appeal), and a dispute with the Pakistani national assembly member Manzoor Ahmed. Mr Khoo has submitted multiple complaints to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) about illegal detentions and harassment. The growing Fascist have their militants. In reality, it is perfectly justified and normal to ask what on earth has happened to our city and our world? The repression of the Sarah Everard vigil, of anti-lockdown protests and protests against the new police powers bill have no scientific justification based on public health. Home; Services. Mr Corbyn and Dr Khoo have been subject to illegal harassment, intimidation and false imprisonment on numerous occasions between April 2020 and April 2021. Who knew he had such close ties to both Sheffield and Pembrokeshire According to his launch website, his [], Tory MP Lia Nici has raised a point of order in the Commons this afternoon over Sue Grays appointment as Keir Starmers Chief of Staff. We can live with the error if weve made an error. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD | DocSpot I WAS RECENTLY BANNED FROM THE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE US/ IMT PAGE. Subscribe (1782) Anything we can do, we must do to stop these Pharma Companies getting away with murder. In its spirit, everything Im talking about is not only feasible, but patriotic in its old sense. Stanford university professor John Ioannidis has criticised the predictions from the mathematical modelling from UK government advisor Neil Ferguson and deemed them "substantially flawed" These predictions formed the data responsible for the COVID measures in both the UK and USA. Related conditions. The Stasi could have easily handled the major protest, with no trouble, Eric Milka said the SED just never gave them the green light. Dr. Heiko Khoo's Interrogation By UK Communist Police Over Playing 163 views. Surely you cannot afford to lose such an interesting, courteous and highly educated man like him in your ranks. He holds very strong Marxist views and seems completely oblivious to the fact that his views and the views of the far-left Jeremy Corbyn (Piers's more successful younger brother) have been rejected more than once, and in fact the British . By that logic we could have just 100 highly educated cadres, and we would win the day. Once again you are talking fantasy not reality. You didnt actually address a single point, however you did assert many I didnt say, and responded to these phantoms. And thats all Im going to say about this. Dr. Khoo got her Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore, working on tumor models for prognosis evaluation. In his psychology and method of action the Jesuit of the heroicperiod distinguished himself from an average priest as the warrior of a church from its shopkeeper. that all depends on what you think of the International Marxist Tendency but Khoo is an interesting person to listen to. For more than a year, a disgusting campaign to spread fear took the place of rational debate and thought. 30 March 1921, Penang, Malaysia-5 March 2012, Singapore) was a doctor and the founder of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) in Singapore. On 5 November 2020 while working as an accredited journalist, distributing public health information, and holding an educational speech about the public health claims of the government. The Rulers have their Armies. It was extremely cold and it took about 3 hours to complete, yet we all followed him along the streets of Soho and no one showed any desire to quit. Nearly all infections in the world came from spending more than 10 minutes within 1 meter of a symptomatic person in an enclosed space with poor ventilation. This is particularly true for those suffering from the non-communicable diseases which interact badly with covid-19. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD is a neurosurgeon in Los Angeles, CA specializing in neurosurgery. He is also a columnist, video producer, historian and a well known public speaker in London. Granted Im older then you both, however this shouldnt be a factor. However, I will say one thing. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on August 9, 2022, Patrick speaks with political activist and commentator, and free speech advocate, Heiko Khoo, about the heavy hand of the state during the pseudo pandemic, including Draconian censorship and the roll-back of basic rights and civil liberties.Heiko also talks about the Chinese state's reaction to the Covid . you got expelled because you put the IMT on danger not becuz you had different ideas. Dr. Heiko Khoo VS Prof. Neil Ferguson Nov 2nd at 2021 Annual Sowerby This report appears to have been ignored by the police as no FPN has been issued to Dr. Khoo, and presumably not to the Duchess of Cambridge either. Heiko Khoo biography | Last.fm Mr Piers Corbyn and Dr. Heiko Khoo v the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. It is time for the people of London to stand up to the global capitalist elites and their governments and stop this descent into dystopian madness. The International has the right to defend itself against sabotage andprovocation. However, Like John Dillinger, if we gain the support of the masses through deeds of action, we can covertly play a shadow war. Raincoat Optimism adler@gigemail.net, Heiko Khoo does have a history of doing things like this though, i knew him years ago and if he is still as he was then then he must still be his usually selfish self obsessed person he always was, i have never known khoo to do anything selfless and it appears he is still very much like that. PhD. View Full Profile; Overview 0 references Fluent in German, Spanish; learning Chinese (Simplified) 59, Male; Red Guard units were created in March 1917 fused from a number of other militarized formations created during the February Revolution, such as peoples militia, the squads of self-defense, committees of public security, and workers squads.. heiko khoo London, England, United Kingdom. Ginos Familienurlaub - italienisch genieen Dokureihe, GB 2021 Staffel: 1 / Folge: 3 Laufzeit: 25 Minuten Original-Titel: Gino's Italian Family Adventure Mit: Gino D'Acampo, Luciano D'Acampo Regie: Ed St. Giles Gino und sein Sohn Luciano brechen in dieser Episode nach Kalabrien auf, um in das "einfache Leben" einzutauchen, das Gino einst . THE UNWILLINGNESS TO CHANGE AND ADAPT HAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE, THE DEATH RATTLE OF THE WORK TOWARDS PROLETARIAN LIBERATION. No one still addressed my opinion on the very premise of the ones and twos. This provider has 29 years of experience and is affiliated with Presbyterian Espanola Hospital. I ADVOCATED THIS: About - Dr. Roz Heiko Dr Heiko Khoo Unlawfully Seized Without Charge for Correcting Police Not on Facebook. Teck Khoo, MD - Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism - Des Moines Therefore, police officers are not qualified to evaluate the risks of open-air infection, so their decisions about when to enforce the Coronavirus regulations and stipulations and against who constitute an arbitrary exercise of power. He failed badly, and continued to fail until the end in 1865. Compare this with the cannabis smoking event on Tuesday 20 April when 20-50,000 young people played music and smoked drugs in Hyde Park without a single arrest and no attempt to break up music/dance and drug taking. To this day, Eastern Germany sells Eastern products and merchandise, not found in the west. This appears to be ongoing, or he remains an individual of special attention to police intelligence because of his political views and deeds. Piers Corbyn is a key witness in the current undercover policing investigation which shows that he was subject to extensive undercover surveillance for 20 years from 1971. Neil Ferguson Challenged at University. Why Does He Create So Much If the possibliites are as brilliant as you say they are on your part,what are you losing? All those pretty pictures of thousands smashing through, and pulling down sections; that was the west side of the wall, and west Germans doing it. As far as your lie, that I was equating ALF tactics, which I appose, let us really examine this. At the time he was proba [], This week 135,560 visitors visited 412,556 times viewing 690,159 pages. No matter how much you read, you will never gain the upper hand, because the US WIL is completely inflexible, and in a number of ways hypocritical. Dr. Larry Teik-Man Khoo, MD (9 Ratings) Specializes in: Neurosurgery. DRAFT OF THE INTERIM INJUNCTION ORDER SOUGHT, Skeleton Argument of the Claimants aggressive and unreasonable in their assault on the group, many people shouted at the police, saying slogans such as shame on you, what are you doing, we are peaceful you are violent. Success! Heiko Khoo has studied Marxist ideas for 33 years. Speakers Corner 8th March 2020. Search Reddit posts and comments - see average sentiment, top terms, activity per day and more "Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is and you must bend to its power or live a lie"- Miyamoto Musashi, Medecine Nobel Prize Luc Montagnier gives his expert opinion on the origin of the SARS-COVID2 virus. Spent years of their lives and then some studying all the texts, battles, strategies, etc. Khoo asked Hancock what evidence he based the narrative that asymptomatic transmission occurred and lockdowns slowed the spread of a virus: "The entire principles you started the lockdowns with, In doing so he/she not only created a violent conflict endangering the public, but he/she also deliberately put these police officers in harms way. Revolutions are messy, not Romantic. [PDF] Further search for supersymmetry at s=7TeV in final states with Surely you can see how this is foolish, cant you? I think perhaps youre dying to tell me more. She is the latest to join the chorus of aggrieved voices on the Tory benches over Grays appointment in the last 24 hours. This afternoon, he announced hes standing in the new constituency of Mid & South Pembrokeshire/Canol a De Sir Benfro.