But why? I found this online and I wanted to share it in case you havent read it before, Laynes girlfriend, Demri [Parrott], was the one who made the connection between our bands. "he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. On the slim chance you ever read this, just know that even in 2017 there are people who still cherish the GOOD memories of that time, way back in the day when grunge was still in its innocenceto this day I get chills listening to AiC, Soundgarden, Mother Love Bone. Once Kurt gave Layne a ride somewhere and talked about his daughter Frances and Layne said that he was so excited about her. I am thinking more of teens I have been watching grow up from their young years. I came across this site while listening to Laynes music on line.I along with many others loved his music and now I see why Layne loved Demri.I never new them but feel such a love from this website and the pictures of Demri and Layne. Happy to know you found and enjoy the web site. I believe that when he lost her he probably felt like it should have been him and that the only hope to be happy was gone and like I explained before he probably just gave up trying to quit and just decided to let it consume him. There is a thin line between being a friend and being a parent. The previous year she had suffered pancreatitis. Layne and "Demri's" families have the right to mourn them with dignity and they have a right to remember their loved one's through very rose tinted glasses. I think he lived with Ian at the warehouse on But it is possible with hard work and TIME. And, as I mentioned, there are a lot of true facts in the story but I dont know what to make out of it as a whole. For the first time in 10 yrs im doing good! Layne Staley and Demri Parrott - Dating, Gossip, News, Photos Im not totally sure when that started to change. Dope sick is horrible and unless you have experience it for yourself you wouldnt understand and the mental part of it is even worse. He always kept saying that he had slipped. Most of what everyone heard then was nonsense. She was an addict, just like Layne. She knew that, and she took full advantage of it. I love you. I know that at least some of it is true, First of all, please forgive my anonymity. Stills. I was into the grunge scene since my brother first brought home a copy of Nirvana Nevermind in 1991. That doesnt mean nobody cares that simply means people have priorities. You are not invincible and you cant just experiment with Heroin. Laynes father could have been that positive influence, but he only helped drive Layne to an early grave. History has proven that young people experiment without clearly thinking of their mortality. Demri HATED being known as Laynes girlfriend.If I had a quarter for all the times she and I were approached with I know youyoure Laynes girlfriend and she would step back and reply No, I am Demri I would take all of us to Vegas. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. You know that feeling you get throughout your body when you accomplish a goal and you are gratified? Layne was always really quiet about it. Today. Now whether or not Layne ever knew just how much I liked him, I dont know, but Demri knew. Thank you so much for sharing your stories. DAVID DUET Before I left Seattle, Alice in Chains was having their big Bumbershoot show and Facelift was out. Hope Im making sense. Kathleen, Im so sorry for your loss, I cant even imagine, but please know there are many of us who adore Layne & Demri. I was a reference for him. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). As a loved one, you have to be alert. Layne Thomas Staley (born Layne Rutherford Staley; August 22, 1967 - April 5, 2002) was an American singer and songwriter who was the original lead vocalist of the rock band Alice in Chains, which rose to international fame in the early 1990s as part of Seattle's grunge movement. Ok, thank you Liz! I have a respectable job and the only way I could keep it was to get right before I went to work and I would spend a 2 week pay check in 3 days and starve for 2 weeks. ", Your quotes vs other peoples quotes that knew her https://alice-in-chains.livejournal.com/103699.html?thread=559635#t559635. I know he did get an infection because of his very, very stupid way of not looking after things. Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. But like Demri i have a death sentence hanging over my head because my heart could fail at any time. So beautifully said, I believe the same. I visit it often . 2 of Kathleens patients told her about this weird thing that happened (he had done the same thing). When young, we all do crazy, risky things, especially in the early 90s. There are also the addicts who just seem to overdose all the time and I dont know if their bodies are not built to handle it or what but theres always that girl or that guy that no one wants to get high around or with because they know they might end up giving them CPR by the end of the night and let me tell you when you have someones life in YOUR hands thats traumatizing. Especially if youre their parents, siblings or children. I never told anyone that I knew you and you used to tell me dont let it bother you. She would be in there for months at a time following serious operations on her heart that left a foot long scar on her chest, and she had a pacemaker installed. If it is truth you have lost more than your Demi but a sibling with a D too. When Layne would relapse or even admit to weakness in the last few years that I knew them Jerry would get very patronizing and very smug. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. What The Final 12 Months Of Layne Staley's Life Was Like - Grunge.com There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. ciao sorry for my english I hope to be understood, I wanted to participate more and share with many of you but as I said I do not know the English language, thank you barbara (admin) and his friend Darim you for sharing your stories . I hope this doesnt sound silly, but I pray to Andrew and Demri sometimes. Why? I was and still am a huge fan of Laynes and AIC, and admired the beautiful Demri. There are none, at least not publicly released. That would mean everything to me. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. Mothers Love. Its quite ridiculous. Please go to a support group. Jerry did love Layne but there are definitely 2 Jerrys. Boredom plays a role and if your a recovering addict you have to keep yourself busy. Her true fans have compassion. She met musician Layne Staley of Alice in Chains at a store called Saturdays where she was working, in 1988. Take care and Thanks so very much again for keeping this site up and running. anyhow ROCK IS DEAD? In a few days it will be 24 years since her passing, and Id really love to honour her just by sharing some of the things Ive read about her; good and bad. Poor girl. Alice In Chains. In the position he was in, its probably the only way he couldve had a lasting relationship. When she struggled with addiction she ended up homeless, often couch surfing from place to place and staying with different friends and family before moving on, and carrying most of her valuable things in her suitcase. Tell them you love them every chance you get! I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. The statistic for heroin addicts who get clean and stay clean are actually depressing and shocking. I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. A friend once said that "Demri was not a hippy, goth, grunge girl she was her own creation. Certain parts of this story are definitely true. I got an errorto be continued, First I would like to thank you for this site. Crazy. At the time, Jerry was very understanding and more than supportive to Layne. He was like Laynes pimp, only he couldnt get Layne to work. A little flower wild child girl who wont be never ever forgotten and will be for ever and for always loved and missed. to make him jealous. End of june..i start getting sick again. Im confused. Worth having a look my friend. She was wicked to him but Layne was being a dumb kid and he just wanted to date a model, he said so himself when it was over. She still looked cheerful and pretty , https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=375943654526117, https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=375407361246413. Demri was bisexual, and she was a nudist. I dont know where he went though, and even the people who he rented from thought he was still living there. But he never said so outright. Michael was a really tall big guy. Just human. Layne wants to quit, Demri doesnt, she has developed a fatalistic attitude towards her life. I was probably 18 and super-shy and I Anyways, I would love to hear an update from you, as to how youre doing, and hopefully feeling better. Much love to you. Was just curious about that. Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. And we all know about Laynes death, alone in his apartment for weeks before anyone found him. I always hope to be able to tell myself if I become terminal someday that death is a part of life and hopefully itll bring me some comfort and I will look at it a different way. I know its been mentioned she was to keep her distance from the band later on but I thought you might have some fun memories travelling together to see some AIC gigs from earlier in the picture? Today I decided to post some pictures of Layne and Demri. Your site has been great in all the information thats been released, but I just wanted to say to you and all, Merry Christmas. The best thing you can do is dont freaking try it. Hang in there sister it gets easier and it gets better. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. Demri and I share the same birthday. But I wound up in Seattle , playing led guitar in the lare eighties and early nineties. He was a coke dealer. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. Buttino also said Jesse Holt - who declined to be interviewed for this book - had to boost the level on Layne's vocals in the 1997 version . Once he moved to that place, I didnt talk to him. Demri didnt have money she combed the carpet and started using again. But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. Pretty soon youre just doing it to feel normal and function and you dont even get high anymore or getting high gets harder to accomplish without having to do more then usual..and rarely can you even afford to get wellbut that is also how some addicts accidentally overdose..just trying to feel it or after theyve gotten clean for awhile..like after getting out of rehab, jail or detox and then they relapse and overdose because their tolerance has gone way down and they accidentally do too much.. Thats probably almost 80% of the reasons why an addict will overdose. Demris story haunted me when I first learned of it a few years ago. I try to study the different religions, lead a good life, treat others like I want to be treated and reach out to others who need it. I was just wondering why couldnt you guys call the cops? Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? However, their addictions caused damage to the relationship and they broke off their engagement. Im so glad to see the people who are able to look past her addiction because obviously there was so much more to her. Christy the drug dealer lived behind the QFC and so did Paris. Especially a timeless celebrity like Layne Staley who left behind such a powerful legacy of music that continues to be important to so many people. Youve done a great job with this site, having your own life & kids, that I thank you.