Companies are always changing, and growth is part of the process in any company (from start-ups to even those on the verge of an IPO). If you want to thrive in your career, one of the best things you can do is build a strong personal brand strategy. BrandYourself Blog | ORM and Personal Branding. It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. If you want to put your projects front and center, then you can make it seem more sincere by pairing it with personal brand concepts that denote some humility, like curiosity or self-improvement. The best personal brand statement examples are intimately tied in with the focus of the person who crafted it. Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and your brands visuals. your personal brand. Adjective Words To Describe A Brand - EnglishBix Describe yourself with professional words that are appropriate to use in relevant settings. Everyone has such descriptive words. Jot down your favorites and then narrow them down to your top 3-5. Personal branding is a marketing strategy focused on your most important product: you. You might even want to speak with a personal branding consultant to strike the right balance., Introduction To Personal SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Improve Your Google Results: Getting Started, Advanced Tactics to Improve Your Google Results, How to Fight an Unwanted Image Result On Google, How To Bury Or Push Down Negative Google Search Results, I help people create new opportunities in their businesses and careers., I am a personal trainer, specializing in weight training and mobility., I give authors visibility on untapped promotional platforms where they can share their work., I spark new product ideas for large companies that have stagnant product cycles., I help CEOs transform their brand in only 60 days. Personal brand words cant replace your strategic message, First it is important to understand that you want to convey powerful. Define Your Personal Leadership Brand in Five Steps In case you want some personal brand statement examples to help guide you, there is a handful below. If you dont have much experience at something, then it can be about any area that you want to become an expert in so long as you dont exaggerate. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Words to Describe Your Brand. speak volumes about you as a leader, professional, and individual when it comes It must only be 3 exactly. What words come to mind when you think of a stylish person? It is the telling of your story, and how it reflects your conduct, behavior, spoken and unspoken words, and attitudes. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. However, it comes across as if youre trying to boast or appear more important than you are, which could turn people off. that could potentially compromise your internal moral compass or professional Whether the company is going through tumultuous financial times or big changes in leadership, the ability to adapt to a sudden change and remain adaptable to that change is an important skill to have. 2. And having a personal brand statement makes it easy for anyone employers, customers, clients, or contacts to identify if they want to work with you or listen to what you have to say. Whats most important to me is that my clients gain insights and walk away with an aha moment, something they learned that makes an impact in their professional lives. Now, I want you to find 3 words that describe your business. We have over 60,000 monthly readers that would love to see it! The characteristics of a resourceful I fly in, find the true problems, improve everything I can, make the magic happen, sing a few songs, and fly away to the next project or I can stick around! And sharing about her rockstar results and tattoo-wearing shows off her fun personality, too! How To Describe Your Personal Fashion Style In A Three-Word Style Rule Think about these brand words that describe your expertise: Consider these words to describe your personality or character: Choose something to describe your motivation or drive, too: If youre careful, you can use these words to highlight your achievements or community roles, too. . Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. I am very passionate about one thing: teaching people (entrepreneurs, marketers, etc) how to achieve rockstar results with their social media, especially Twitter. Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in. For example:I help high net-worth entrepreneurs strategically invest so they can spend more time doing what they love and less time worrying about their money. A solid personal brand statement example would be: I help your brand gain visibility online.. One-to-one meetings with your manager and 360 0 feedback from peers and colleagues will help you understand if the . (in the case of personal brand, ask your friends to help you describe your personality in a few words) As mentioned above, Coca-Cola's personality traits are the following: 14 Fantastic Examples of Personal Branding Statements It shows that youre focused on doing something instead of just talking about it. A personal brand statement is 1-3 sentences that explain what you do and why you are unique in your field. And I inspire them to take action and Just Do It. I achieve this by developing strategies that work. One thing to remember, your personal brand statement is not your job title! This is especially helpful for recent graduates who need a professional edge in lieu of years of experience.. It's about having your own voice. Its a subtle difference that most people miss. What Does It Mean For a Brand To Have a Personality? with examples They can describe you and what would they say about your best work traits? By doing so, youll come across as more sincere. I wonder if you see that pattern, too. Personal branding builds your reputation. In the end, its not the exercise of boiling this down to ONE word, its about gaining clarity around your point of differentiation; who you are, what you stand for and where you add value. Weve put them into three core buckets that you can mix and match to craft a professional image that actually fits your personality. You can use more than just a handful of words to describe yourself, and you should. Elizabeth Morgans personal branding statement speaks to her passion for HR and the time that she put into developing relationships on LinkedIn. Showcasing your work experience and education puts you in a position to be hired for a job or move on to the next round of the interview process. He has become a master at crafting his communications with the absolute minimum number of words simply because it takes him so long to create a simple sentence. When Im not advocating for exceptional candidate experience or teaching my coworkers the ins and outs of LinkedIn, Im on Linkedin sharing professional insight, in my home office making lightweight clay earrings, or watering my plants. It should be short and catchy but also contain enough compelling information to convey your value and show your personality. Your personal brand is one of your most important career development assets. With just a few clicks, you can schedule and automate sharing content that will provide value to your networks and also establish you as a trusted source of information about your industry and business. Personal Branding for Freelancers: Build a Powerful Reputation Its also about having good sportsmanship and Hard-working 2 . Brand Adjectives | Describe Your Brand In 1 Word - Creative Minds Thanks for this article and thought process. Chris Do uses his personal branding statement to tell the story of his career what he achieved in the past and what hes focused on now. Question: Activity 1.1 Write four words to describe your ideal self-concept (personal brand) 1 2 3 4 What steps are necessary to make your desired personal brand a reality? Fatma Repha From Thrifty Phat. If you have the wrong leadership brand for the position you have, or the. My motto is Work Smarter Not Harder. I live by this and teach it to others every day.. Although this is a great place to put it, too often we see people ignore LinkedIn as an outlet. Character points to strong moral and ethical principles and for those that identified a word in this category, it means above all else this is how they want to be known. Who better to trust for a personal branding statement example than a personal branding coach? So what about your brand? Additionally, think about how you react during tough times and if you are the type who can be trusted by executive partners to proactively build cohesiveness within the infrastructure and lead teams to become stronger and more resilient. They are used to communicate what an individual is all about, and what they bring to the table. They have to think analytically when it comes the legal framework, but also balance business strategy and organizational impact when making decisions. Life throws many wrenches at us, but its often our ability to be resourceful Being collaborative is not just about being a team player. Sometimes it takes longer than expected to discover the right fit. Instead, use these words and terms in combination with action-oriented verbs that are descriptive of what you do. Brand adjectives are the words you choose to describe your brand's visual identity. Personal Brand Examples: Craft Your One Sentence Vision Statement Loved by salespeople, recruiters, and marketers. Try telling it to a friend or significant other one time and see if he or she can easily recall the entire sentence. Id love to hear from you! Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in conjunction with verbs to craft your professional image without coming across as arrogant or desperate. I work with creative women who have a . I specialize in making the branding process personal. 4 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand Voice To Stand Out - Claire Bahn They are the words that you want people to associate with you and your brand. In life (as distinct from branding), the three most used and most powerful words are, "I love you." Together, they are definitive. Personal branding is a very important step in the job search process. Darrell Franklins personal branding statement makes it clear that innovation an important skill for his role is a core part of his DNA. You can even quote them in your headline, as long as its an honest quotebut using titles and descriptive personal brand words on yourself that fly too close to the sun will leave you. The First Step To Building Your Personal Brand | The Muse 19 of the best personal brand examples in 2023. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and . What was somewhat surprising was the responses fit into three overarching categories; Expertise, Character and Drive. It sums up your experience, your skills, and your passion so that people can easily understand who you are and what you offer. Instead, highlight words that represent your personal, authentic brand. Why? I teach people how to use unconventional strategies to land jobs they love in todays market (without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online).. in those situations? Examples of brands: Coca Cola, Nike, Gong. Use these on all of your online profiles, including your LinkedIn, resume, and portfolio. Consider if you have 100 Powerful Marketing Words to Boost Your Brand (and 75 More to Avoid In particular it does a good job of telling potential hiring managers what she does, how she does it, and how she thrives. This doesnt mean you shouldnt make yourself available, just dont go crazy with it. The following 6 steps will help increase your self-awareness, define the competencies you need, and strengthen your personal leadership brand. Its often a subtle distinction that a lot of people overlook. If youre interested in a great way to endear your brand to your prospective and current customers, get in touch with these screen printers. Can you describe your Brand in 3 words? - Quora Every great brand has a story, from Converse Shoes to Marilyn Monroe to cartoonist Hugh MacLeod. These are all admirable qualities to have, so take pride in the 3 words you choose. 3 Ways To Most Effectively Communicate Your Personal Brand - Forbes He turned a history degree into a fulfilling career in digital marketing and UX, then founded Employed Historian to show others how to do it for themselves, too. The words in this category focus on skills and abilities, how the individual does his or her job well. We recommend taking a glance at your personal brand statement every 3-6 months to see if anything needs to be changed. Here's an inventory of adjectives to help you describe how you look at your best. co-worker or a difficult client and how you have handled it professionally. 10 Effective Personal Brand Statement Examples (With Tips) When people interact with my content, products, and services, I want them to feel ______. describe yourself both professionally and personally. Successful companies today see the value of investing in employees personal brands and are using tools to help their teams develop those skills. Also, make sure to limit yourself to only one sentence for your personal branding statement. We recommend including it in a prominent position to lead off your profile information. If youre careful, you can use words like award-winning, community advocate, and side hustle to highlight your achievements or community roles. Most professionals on LinkedIn use adjectives to describe themselves, but this is not the best way to communicate your brand. Consider Your Brand As An Agent. It sounds like youre trying to appeal to people who want to be seen as clever or unique, and the word builder definitely has a positive connotation. In order to be effective, it needs to stay current. Our next featured user is the Builder of Things and Communities, who is pictured below. It explains what you do (value), for whom do you do your work (target audience), and how do you do it (unique selling proposition). with executive partners, stakeholders, and clients. Your personal brand should highlight your strengths, establish a reputation, build trust, and communicate the unique attributes that you bring to your current (or desired) industry. An awesome personal brand statement example jumps right out at you. If youre looking to make your personal brand more irresistible, focus on using words that will resonate with your target audience. Exclusive, stylish, and exquisite (expensive). Hi Shelley, Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights. Having a professional philosophy and a solid professional track record are more effective than calling yourself results-oriented or something similarly canned. By showing the value he places on customer relationships, he makes a compelling case for employers to want to hire him and what he values at work. But if not, determine what resonates with you the most or ask your feedback providers to rank the list in order of priority of what comes to mind when they think of you. Make 2 lists. That's a very interesting way to use it! The. Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for sharing your post with our readers to add more suggestions. The hype around their products and services is unreal because they invoke certain emotions in the customers with their creativity and passion. This article has helped us focus in on how we can best stand out in the crowd. Meanwhile, Expertise contains descriptors of tough-minded Rationals while the final category of Drive roughly corresponds to the active Artisans. It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. How to describe your brand in 3 words: In my coaching, workshops and key note speeches I seek to make an impact. This represents your point of differentiation. Creating a personal brand makes it more likely that your peers, professors, employers, and anyone else will associate you with positive qualities. things from the other side of the transaction, and applying best practices when Define who you are. UGC Creators: What Are They? I strive to improve myself and those around me, and I am always looking for ways to grow. is a [3 qualities/traits people use to describe you] {identity/profession] who is dedicated to helping . Synonym: Synonyms to the word "bold" include words like brave, fearless, courageous, and confident, among others. Make sure to keep it consistent across platforms, however, because using the same sentence every time will help others remember it and associate it with you. It's you. THEN, if the other person is interested, you can go into your 30-second spiel, but only if they invite you to! Most of our content while focused on the individual job applicant trying to get a job can definitely be used at the corporate level as well. 60+ Words to Best Describe Yourself for Interviews & Resumes It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. And the third category, Drive highlights words such as determined, trailblazer, intense and game-changer, and yes I know this is two words. And no matter what type of resume you're writing, a short resume profile at the top can be a great way to make an elevator pitch that you're the right candidate for the job. This can help you guide your answer to one that is relevant to the job while still being true to yourself. Consider these brand words that describe your expertise. Think about why you are choosing these words and how they relate to your brands values. As a former entrepreneur, I leverage the little-known tax secrets that arent taught in school, saving my clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Your email address will not be published. For networking, job searches, and overall career development, having a personal brand statement provides a lot of benefits. Words like curious, driven, optimistic, passionate, intelligible, open-minded, creative, determined, self-reliant, humble, and focused may come to mind. Eventually, personal branding statements will be as common as a resume or reference list, but for now, its a sure way to get you noticed as a competitive applicant who is capable of keeping up with current self-marketing trends and using them to advantage. (Determined)- Always to go after what I want in life, achieve my goals and be successful, professionally and personally. 3 words to describe your personal brand - If you want to put your projects front and center, then you can make it seem more sincere by pairing it with personal brand concepts that denote some humility, like curiosity or self-improvement. Decide which characteristics of you align with the organization and job role perfectly. Personal Branding Examples: 33 Stunning Examples to Inspire Your Business Thats simple, succinct, and its enough of a teaser to get a response like: Wow, tell me how you do that. Thats your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. No matter your occupation or personality, you should have your own personal "dress code" that follows your unique look, tied to your personal brand and goals. However, a personal brand statement is just fluff unless you align your actions with it. The four aspects of personal brand words. For more information, visit:, How to write a personal brand statement that actually works. Activity 1.2 What factors affect your attitude toward educational success? Wendi Weiner is anattorneyand award-winning writer who has been featured in over 75 major media outlets(including CNN, HuffPost, Money, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider) as a top authority in personal branding, social storytelling, career strategy, and the job search process. Dont say youre the best or a leader in the field of unless you actually are. So what kind of personal brand words should you use to describe yourself? First, understand that the words you use are just a means to convey powerful ideas. business. Interview Question: "Describe Yourself in 3 Words" | Sadly, some people don't know who they are. I already have my own company, so I'm not looking to impress employers, but my business partner and I are always looking to stand out amongst competing labels. Explain why you chose them. We have it front and center. Diego Granados doesnt just say he works well with different teams with his personal branding statement example he also explains why. You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. Rather, its something you should consult, review, and revise on a continuous basis. theres a fine line between letting your achievements speak for themselves and boasting. Your email address will not be published. This person describes herself by what she loves to do: Writer, Designer, Researcher: Sr. 6 Steps for Creating Your Personal Brand. Once you've established the initial elements of your personal brand be proactive and start asking for feedback. Consider how you have had to come up with Plan . the words themselves are just a means to that end, so dont stress out over finding a single perfect word or phrase to describe you. He uses language that anyone could understand and highlights how he has unique knowledge that he uses to help and teach people. When people see something from my brand they think it is _________. The second piece of information I ask is: Explain why Aaron Ward is an entrepreneur whose passion is to help creators create and sell digital products online. Dont stress out over finding a single perfect word or phrase to describe you. Mix and match them to create a professional persona that accurately reflects who you are. Your persona is your brand. 1. 18 effective personal branding examples done right - Webflow This is crazy specific, but you could find all the people that match the following: Want to help contribute to future articles? This ONE word helps to define YOU! From there you can start thinking about your portfolio site, how to revamp your resume, and the points you want to communicate in interviews. This helps you discover your target audience, your visual aesthetic and create guidelines around your brand. Creating a three-word brand that works for you in your future job and is recognizable will add to your credibility with a potential employer. Developing a personal brand requires figuring out who you really are (your skills, values, passions, and personality), who you want to serve (your target market or audience), and how you differ from the competition (your unique . The best personal brand words to add to your profile - Employed Historian Protected. Narrow it down to three words that align with your personal brand and the organization Look at your adjective list and organization research. This helps develop the clients personal brand because these words formulate key selling points of the client to a prospective employer in a job interview. They correspond to the four Keirsey temperaments. the 9 secrets of job hunting with a humanities degree, We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 1- Bold. Glad that you enjoyed the list and we're just as surprised as you are that most job applicants don't go through this process as well. I am also certified in solving problems. Thats where verbs come in: they help demonstrate your brand rather than just advertising it. 1. How did you come up with this methodology? 4. I never imagined how this question would resonate with people. I live for opportunities to deliver game-changing, digital and physical global marketing programs that deepen consumer connections, accelerate revenue and drive brand growth.. Its always good to keep learning! Nothing is more off-putting than a company who's name and tagline say nothing. Consider things like your personality features, why people enjoy working with you and things people consistently come to you for help with. (These three words, like The Beatles, are most effective when united.) Content Strategist.. After that, show them your words, compare, and see if they agree. Relaxed.". Check out these personal branding examples to see how other people pull this off successfully! This is how I measure success! What makes Chriss statement stand out is the scale he cares about and his focus on inclusivity by expanding the scope of his business to the world. I recently started with a new coaching client who stated he wanted to gain real-life best practices and achieve tangible results through our coaching. Helping sales, marketing, and recruiting teams find new leads. Dont procrastinate creating your statement. Another example might be: Bruce is an analytical, intelligent, and collaborative CEO who is dedicated to helping millennials have fun through expanding affordable gyms in the US. You should be respectful of their time and yours. Not many entrepreneurs can carry off 'wearing' their brand but Denise does and does it well. Your personal brand statement is the first thing that people will associate with you so you want to start off on the right foot. As a matter of fact, you really have just a few seconds to introduce yourself and present your personal branding statement. Keep in mind that the time to achieve a clients goals or needs? Thats a pretty lofty title, and its a lot like buying a mug for yourself that says worlds best boss. I guarantee this person in the example isnt even close to being widely known enough to make a claim like that. Troy Sandidge takes personal branding to another level by actually trademarking his own brand alias The Strategy Hacker! 1. When used properly to enhance the way you want to be seen, social media is . When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and strategic. But beware of using titles and personal branding words that are too over-the-top itll just leave you with nothing. You might even want to, speak with a personal branding consultant. What's Your Leadership Brand? | Center for Creative Leadership - CCL