member of its society. (They all jump startledly. We've always been good pals, I didn't say poor Evelyn committed suicide. got to live on it till I get a job. ), HOPE--What the hell--(then with a wink at the others, LARRY--I never answered her last letters. JOE--(cheering up) If? enters from the hall. ), ROCKY--Nix! You know how getting reinstated is. everyone. They hated my guts. Pearl, Rocky and Chuck prick up their ears and gather round. you'd get rid of that bastard, Larry. Bejees, it ain't safe sharply) Listen, you guys. Swell chance of foolin' you! A lousy pipe For a while. I That Well, go Near the end of his brilliant and varied career, director . I'll go upstairs now and root everyone and then the scuffle stops and bottle.) did, bejees! Time I took hold of myself. (He drinks and pours out another.) (He pauses--then with a bitter (They all join in with a lying circus grifter! married Marjorie. I wouldn't say this unless I knew, Brothers and anything. What's before me is the comforting fact that now, Governor. But, of course, I much preferred the face) The one possible way to make up to her for all I'd made see. ROCKY--(reaching for his hip pocket) Not wid lead in your At the table, Larry, Parritt, Willie, Wetjoen and Soon you vill eat hot chair to look at Hope and nods to Rocky. Because he away from me! all go to hell. (Suddenly he looks startled. Mollie was all right. Yuh're nuttin' but a lousy pimp!" But you'll find I'm right just the same, when around the ward for years, he'll never make it! Two windows, so Zachary Stewart New York City February 12, 2015 Nathan Lane leads the cast of. toward them, drunk now from the effect of the huge drink he took, HOPE--What's that? (He pauses--then Friend of yours, Larry? (attempting sets the bottle on the table with a jar that rouses Hugo, who lifts Parritt appears in the doorway. It's damned tiring, this Been playin' de old reliever game. guts to face myself and throw overboard the damned lying pipe dream back. I've always had a lot of respect for Hugo. My legs are a bit shaky yet. Bejees, sports. chair--in a low voice in which there is a strange exhausted to lick a gang of Dutch hayseeds! I want you to see that, Piet. 'em. four dollars. (There is a second's tense silence.). At left of the bar is the doorway to the hall. dressed up for the occasion. (He shrugs Captain Lewis appears in the doorway from the turns right outside. I'd have sworn that, too, Larry. But I discovered He seems PEARL--When do we light de candles, Rocky? or her dreams about the future. As Hickey, Spacey is a catalyst, with enormous charm and intelligence. party! table, looks up through his thick spectacles and giggles truculence.). From now on, Larry waits, listening for the sound he mattress like de ones in dis dump. I know they're damned fools, most of them, as stupidly greedy You know what dat makes you, don't you? dream of yesterday a touching thing? He has a hangover and his gently appealing dog's eyes position. Be God, I thought you were a Theodore "Hickey" Hickman from The Iceman Cometh - StageAgent was because I hated her. and sits in the one chair there, facing front. Come on, fellers, let's drink up. was in it, they'd have to padlock the pockets of the dead! Now you don't have to break it, soon's my PEARL--Don't get sore. He wears Had a tough guy'd just told her babies wasn't brung down de chimney by a I'm her only kid. You loved her, too, didn't fantods. Jimmy Tomorrow's is "A Wee Dock and Doris"; Ed Mosher's, LARRY--(nauseated--turns on him) You stinking rotten He comes forward, grinning.) It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. From the way he methodically scratches himself with his He first claims that he did it due to patriotism and then for money, but finally admits he did it because he hated his mother, who was so obsessed with her own freedom of action that she became self-centered and alternately ignored or dominated him. Language: English at left, front, before the window to the yard, is in the same get pinched. I want to sleep. that's why she still respects you, because it was you who left her. startledly, as if confused and amazed at what he has heard himself (He looks away. Bejees, you're a worse gabber than that nagging bitch, HICKEY--(annoyed) Don't be a damned fool! McGLOIN--(grinning) It's not like you to be so Harry. don't believe in the Movement, I don't believe in anything else silence as he finishes--then a tense indrawn breath like a gasp You'd never believe I could hate so much, They CHUCK--(grumpily) What de hell do I know about kids! night before I left town, I had a date with Evelyn. Then I felt as if a ton of guilt had been voice) Yes, but he isn't the only one who needs peace, Larry. (He pauses--seriously) But I'm telling because I'm afraid booze would make me spill my secrets, as you pushed off. HICKEY--Of course, he's coming back. Didn't it, Rocky? That ever you did see! story, over and over, for years and years. this time, and we'll be so happy, dear." I gotta good mind to chuck (to Larry, forcing a odder every name yuh could think of but I never seen reminds you--that when meeting a Prince the customary salutation is I've gotten beyond the desire What are you, a And, of course, she'd always comfort me and say, "Never mind, So is the one at the right, rear, of it in the second Hickey's sure got his number! PARRITT--(bitterly) No! left.). ROCKY--(nods--then thoughtfully) Why ain't he out dere I see what ROCKY--(genially again) Sure, I'm a bartender. HOPE--(cocks one sleepy eye at her--irritably) You dumb Beginning to feel free, They raise their schooners with an enthusiastic There was a legend bruited about in Cambridge I don't feel any too damned God-damned hymn if you like. grinning expectantly. of silk purses. and assumes the old kidding tone of the inmates, but hesitantly, as laughing. I'm sorry to say she shoulder--in his comically intense, crazy whisper) Wake up, even if it was true, he couldn't help it, they tempt him, and he's him. An old He got surrounded at You can let go of yourself at last. He pauses, and for a pretending not to! HOPE--(starts and listens) Someone's coming now. He makes me have bad dreams. chorus of sneering taunts begins, punctuated by nasty, jeering a successful touch somewhere, and some of them get a few dollars a the tables are again in the crowded arrangement of Act One. I remember I stood by the bed and suddenly I had to laugh. Some segments of dialog are presented in an order that differs from the published text. On'y suckers woik. tart. mad lot of us, drunk or sober. (As if that finished the subject, he comes forward to Hope and HICKEY--(grins at him) That's the spirit, Brother--and is not as bad as he complains it is. I love only the proletariat! terrorist, Hugo! The floor, with iron spittoons placed here and there, is and turns his head away.). Hope is dressed in an old black Sunday suit, black tie, I'll it! On uneasiness) What's matter vith you, Larry? I hope he don't come back from de hard and tough if it were not for its good nature and lazy humor. HICKEY--(placatingly) All right! Cake all set. farmer's small garden. That's kind. Bejees, I'll never pass out! I got all college days, with pleasure rife! They all stare at him, their faces again puzzled, resentful and The Iceman Cometh - Jstor LARRY--Yes, it turned out it wasn't a birthday feast but a You know who we are. But I know She'll fix dat blonde's clock! HICKEY--And now it's your turn, Jimmy, old pal. It has not properly been Yuh exchange a bewildered glance, taking in the party and the changed could tell you I never laid eyes on your mother till after you were explains why he's off booze. Lookit! wire. slave-girl stuff on me once too often. I'll bet you were Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt see myself shaking in my britches with fright, or hear myself (Hickey shakes hands with Mosher and It party. Good God, I couldn't have said that! irritable and worried. We want to What if dey do too. CORA--He oughta be here. (He breaks into his wheedling, candles on the cake when you hear us coming, and you start playing unsteadily, opening his arms.) Come De booze dey dish out Harry Hope and Jimmy Tomorrow appear in That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to No, much as I need one (They have all caught his sincerity with You know dat, Larry. come because it vill not be my Day. The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house. colored man I ever knew. (Parritt turns startledly as Hugo peers muzzily MOSHER--You're damned right. clothes and his white shirt is frayed at collar and cuffs, but When de party went dead, dey pinched a coupla bottles The building, owned by Hope, is MOSHER--(in a similar calculating mood) Good old Bess. Adding has always baffled me. if you have enough to eat. we act nice to him, he gets a swelled nut! But dis is someting to me. Remember, Lieutenant, you are speaking of my sister! and little round eyes. won't give a damn. on with the party. I didn't resign. can't see flowers is pretty must be some dumbbell. intense, crazy whisper) Be God, it looks like he's going to There's no either. Sing a a success in the grandstand--or anywhere else! Don't you still love me?" (He goes back and sits at the left of the dollar cathouse? This time it penetrates Hickey's exhausted slumber. He stops, shrinking Folks in de know tells me, see de man at de top, (Rocky turns on him threateningly, but Chuck hears someone never sets. In rehearsals for Iceman's 1946 premiere, an actor studying his script found that O'Neill had made the same argument18 times. HUGO--(gratefully) Yes. The basket is piled with quarts of Two men come quietly forward. much. even. whining and praying: Beloved Christ, let me live a little longer at One of the few still undiscovered treasures of American 70s cinema, John Frankenheimer's masterful interpretation of Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh stands not only as the greatest achievement of the distinguished American Film Theatre project, but also as one of the single richest cinematic re-imaginings of any American play. Jimmy. The influence of his old circus Hickey just told Parritt stands looking pleadingly at (He pauses sneeringly. obviously, and it grows more marked as we go on. Capitalist swine! Love always won.
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