Mercury also makes Aquarius to think about how to change the world around them, how to make it better with their kindness, love, warmth, and humanity. With regards to relationships and partnerships, the Mercury in Aquarius person may have an aversion to relationships at the expense to their own personal freedom. They like theories, but theories must be backed up by facts. Mercury Life partner: Someone who is perceptive as well as analytical. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your In your horoscope, Aries rules communication and education. His beliefs are based on humanism, and he tends to think that every person is equal. If your date of birth falls within any of the year and month parameters listed below, then your Mercury Sign is Aquarius. Logic is more reliable, therefore you prefer to listen to your brain rather than to your heart. These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. Aquarian energy in the birth chart implies a need for authenticity, freedom, experimenting. He always stands out because he is never doing what everyone else is. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Their voice or way of speaking may be unusual or highly distinctive in some way. These people will have conversations about topics that span the universe. Lucky Jupiter is pulled into the Aries picture as it teams up with the planet of love and money Venus on the 2nd and talk planet Mercury on the 28th. Mercury in Aquarius: Progressive, Observant, Blog If it is retrograding through Aquarius, you can expect to have some interesting dreams. Mercurys day is Wednesday, so the best time for ritual work would be Wednesday, January 30, at dawn. > Reasoning and statistical abilities is bestowed by Mercury. Fairly close to the Sun. The transit of Mercury through Aquarius lasts approximately three weeks, though it can take between 15 and 60 days depending on the year. In astrology, Mercury signs offer insight into how a persons mind operates. The mercury in Aquarius man is someone who thinks outside the box and latches onto ideas that are different and brilliant from their perspective. People with Mercury in Aquarius are some of the nonconformists of the zodiac, and feel they have to be true to themselves. March 21st, 2023 New Moon In Aries. You might be too eccentric, what makes it hard to fit in. Mercury According to your zodiac, Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eighth house, therefore you will increase your knowledge form this mercury transit, due to which your value and respect may also increase. Due to Mercury Aquarius is creative, individualistic, tolerant, humane. Youre an engaging conversationalist who always have something interesting and insightful to share, and you possess a clever wit that keeps those around you laughing and thinking. For them, the motivation may be nothing more than to take down the institution or stick it to the man. These individuals are interested in understanding what makes people tick for the purpose of appealing to their interests and motivations. He has unique personality traits and inventive mind that makes him fond of change. If you have an Aquarius Mercury, your water-bearer energy comes through most in how you communicate and share information. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, beware of becoming too rational at this time. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. We earn from qualifying purchases. You tend to be a deep thinking and a natural philosopher. The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. She prefers the role of observer rather than that of the performer. They are less willing to sacrifice their individuality for the sake of a partnership. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and relations between Uranus and Mercury is something highly energetic and electrical. Above all, he thinks that the right way is the only way that gives him happiness. Mercury Below is a table showing the dates on which Mercury occupies the sign of Aquarius from 1970 to 2032. Love partners will have a good relationship. What does this placement say about your personality? Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. Its about your community, siblings and neighbours. Mercury can be in Aquarius if the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. This is a sparklingly gifted mind capable of functioning both on a logical and an intuitive basis. They can also seem aloof and detached, for they are not usually emotionally attached to things and tend to live more in their heads than anywhere else. Its quick movement through the sky makes it a very personal feature of the horoscope. Then, on the 19th, talk planet Mercury enters Aries on the 19th and, on the 20th, the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. But this is more about control than a lack of sentiment. Take some rest from work if possible. Mercury rules our communication and the three elements or tridoshas of our body. Excellent for acting and music. In the communal spirit of Aquarius and the 11th house, you like to opinion-poll your crew for feedback before making any big decisions. Mercury When Mercury retrogrades through Aquarius, your fantasy life can become richer and more real, manifesting in dreams and daydreams that feel incredibly real. For example, a Mercury in twelfth house is way more reserved and self-reflective than an outgoing, life of the party Mercury in first house. For Mercury, this includes lucky, random and quick witted. Astro Daily: March 1, 2023 Empowering Astrology Mercury 4. Similarly, what presence of Mercury in Aquarius mean, what are its effects on Aquarius individuals life. They prefer to differentiate themselves rather than fall in line with the conventional and typical cliches typically often adopted by those around them. They have an innovative approach to problem solving, and they are comfortable with abstract concepts and unconventional ideas. Want to know if YOUR Mercury is in Aquarius? Your email address will not be published. Your reason drives your actions. Be sociable and gravitate towards the people you love and admire. The 10 Best Voice Lessons in Provo, UT (for All Ages & Levels) Be cautious about health as your physical ability will be weak due to health affected. Some dreams are big as continents. It is very important for them to feel a sense of independence and sovereignty even when they are participating in a group or joint arrangement. This woman will only make space in her world for someone that she considers truly special. Aquarius Horoscope March 2023 - Sally Kirkman Astrologer The fastest-moving planet Mercury retrograde in Aquarius from 30th January 2021 to 4th February 2021. For them, it is favorable to network and align themselves with a larger collective support group rather than operate by themselves. Rules are repulsive and annoying to you. The one thing to watch out for during Mercurys time in this sign is hurting or neglecting other peoples feelings. 2. In the birth chart, this Mercury sign indicates a potential for developing unique skills and for Mercury Retrograde starts in Pisces but will shuffle back into Aquarius on March 4, turns direct on March 9, then reenters Pisces (going the right direction again) on March 16. It is also interested in technology and innovative ideas. Mercury is one of the most important planets in astrology. ), Rihanna Born: Saturday, February 20, 1988, Steve Jobs Born: Thursday, February 24, 1955, Justin Bieber Born: Tuesday, March 1, 1994, Harry Styles Born: Tuesday, February 1, 1994, Martin Luther King Born: Tuesday, January 15, 1929, Jennifer Aniston Born: Tuesday, February 11, 1969, Nicolas Sarkozy Born: Friday, January 28, 1955, Sharon Tate Born: Sunday, January 24, 1943, Cristiano Ronaldo Born: Tuesday, February 5, 1985, Paris Hilton Born: Tuesday, February 17, 1981, Oprah Winfrey Born: Friday, January 29, 1954, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Born: Saturday, January 9, 1982, Jim Carrey Born: Wednesday, January 17, 1962, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Born: Tuesday, January 27, 1756, Valrie Trierweiler Born: Tuesday, February 16, 1965, The Weeknd Born: Friday, February 16, 1990, Marilyn Manson Born: Sunday, January 5, 1969, Ashton Kutcher Born: Tuesday, February 7, 1978, Bob Marley Born: Tuesday, February 6, 1945, Michael Jordan Born: Sunday, February 17, 1963, Alicia Keys Born: Sunday, January 25, 1981, Muhammad Ali Born: Saturday, January 17, 1942, Megan Thee Stallion Born: Wednesday, February 15, 1995. Mercury She wants a partner that both challenges and supports her, who understands her ideas and passions, but also questions her. Mercury also governs youth, siblings, the media, the internet, trade, transportation and travel (short trips in particular, the ones you do almost on a daily basis). and is considered a fixed sign, meaning they are persistent and resistant to change. Sometimes they want to be different just for the sake of being different. WebIf you have Mercury in Capricorn, your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or You may feel hopeless about a financial situation or have a sense that you need to surrender to life rather than fight against it. Mercury is the Planet associated with your relationships with others and an appreciation for language. Mercury He is also an enthusiast of MBTI theory and loves to research and write about what he learns. Beware of nightmares and maybe a bit of paranoia invading your thoughts at this time. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Mercury Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. These individuals want nothing more than to push the limits of acceptability and tradition. Technology is extremely attractive to people with this placement. They are inventive, always thinking up something new and different. Furthermore, they are bound to oppose any form of ideological oppression and control over the populace. This astrological event is bound to Those with their Mercury in Aquarius have grand ideas with the laser focus to see them out. This mercury transit is giving support to the natives of married life by getting each others support. We shouldnt be surprised if we come up with a few far-fetched and wacky ideas during Mercury in Aquarius. They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. By Holiday Mathis. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: Meaning & Horoscopes You could become a tech whizkid with Pluto in Aquarius and be at the forefront of AI (Artificial Intelligence) or new future-oriented trends. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Aquarius between January 20 and February 18. Pluto is the planet of power & transformation, loss & endings. Theres likely to be something unique or iconic about the way they communicate and express themselves. For you, this can be therapeutic and relaxing. Be wary of a sob story and keep your trust antennae on high alert. They tend to know everything before being told even, they are know it all type of person and thats why their keyword is I know . Since you can be a little analytical and emotionally detached, you can feel compelled when you are confronted by someone who communicates strong emotions, such as Mercury in Aries and Sagittarius. In Aquarius February 2019 Tarot Card Astrology: Six of Swords. Mercury brings open-mindedness, progress and originality in Aquarius life for their better. Mercury March 3, 2023 4 min read. This is just a reflection of your frustration as you have to slow down your thought processes to accommodate others. You think things through carefully and have a well developed view of the bigger picture. Aquarius Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the natives.However, the planet of intellect and speech, Mercury will transit in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, on 27th February 2023, and on the next day it will combust. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Sometimes, youre learning about life the hard way. Independent, intellectual, artistic and open-minded Aquarius is always ready to do something innovative. The personality traits and character of a woman with natal Mercury in Aquarius are not that different from those of other Aquarians. WebMercury in Aquarius is a strong and influential female that brings about radical change, almost always for the better. Unmarried people can get married. She is a strong believer in herself and confidence exudes her.
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