Besides ruling beauty and love, Venus is also a master of great finances and personal possessions. You challenge each other to grow and develop, but unfortunately the process tends to be abrasive and frustrating. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite (figuratively speaking), she attacks. Both individuals are able to boost each others careers and make excellent business partners. I did not say it but thought, Why do you act provocatively sexy and then get angry when men respond? I watched this drama but did not say anything. That is why you dont feel them. Under the Sun conjunct Venus synastry, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is possible since Venus exalts in Pisces. Mars-Sun Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary The Solar actively takes the initiative and the role of a leader, if other aspects do not contradict this. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Needless to say my mom and I have had achallenging relationship, not to mention my moms sado also conjuncts my Sun. (See instead: Sun overlays in 8th-12th houses.) The Sun conjunct Sun in synastry is easy to spot, but it can be complicated to interpret. I have Medusa conjunct Venus, Juno, and Lilith. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects That is the long and short of it. This can be quite a draining aspect in a long-term relationship. Venus Conjunct Pluto Synastry - What It Means For You 15.7k. So I put in some asteroids and I found Lilith and Medusa conjunct the ascendent and are both in the 1st What do you think this might mean since ascendent controls appearances?? Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Yes, you would seem like a Medusa person if his Moon is involved. There is prolly some other asteroids there to that add to this. If you see this, run to check the Asteroid Medusa and I bet you have your man.. However, this can actually push both partners to grow. They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. I wonder how rare this is??? It probably doesnt help that venus is conjunct my mars by 1 degree in my 7th house loosely conjunct my descendent, AND valentine is also exactly (to the second) conjunct my sun. It tends to be easier in signs in which the Sun is softened, such as Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. However, she liked to strut her stuff. It is only later on that the lack of balance will start to become an issue. When one partner wants physical touch, the other doesnt, and vice-versa. What do you think of Medusa conjunct Mars? You can gain a deeper understanding of your self-identity and purpose in life when you understand the workings of meaningful relationships. If the "Solar" is a natural leader, this synastry turns out better (for example, if it is a relationship . How does medusa work in a mans chart? This aspect is easier in friendships than it is in romantic relationships. The Sun conjunct Ascendant synastry aspect means you magnify each other's strengths by sending positive energy. Think about your best friend or your soulmate. Our synastry is off the charts, mostly unbelievably beautiful and positive. We never contacted one another again. The parental residue in subconscious memories, which is part of the relationship, adds flavor, flair, direction, and meaning to what is already an excellent partnership. The 'Sun Trine Sun' Aspect and the 'Sun Sextile Sun' Aspects. But, with medusa thrown into the mix, i feel like that might accentuate that aspect of my Eros:/. What do you think? The key problems lie in the fact that the "Plutonian" strives for self-expression no less than the "Solar"; as a result, clashes proliferate. I will see someone who is flaunting her sexuality but then bites men when they respond. The Sun conjunct Sun transit is often associated with relationships or artistic partnerships that bring success without any major changes or upheavals. Stay away. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Both partners know how to get each other moving. In essence, he is elevating her, in the eyes of society. Its an easy aspect to have in a relationship. It also trines Uranus (Aquarius in 8th house) and opposite Chiron (sag in 6th house)? The Sun is an important planet when it comes to synastry. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. This is complicated with the Sun conjunct the Sun. The Pluto in Aquarius Poster - Mystic Medusa Astrology While the two may or may not get along, they will have the same strengths and weaknesses. They may initiate the explosive parts of the arguments because the Sun person just doesnt let up. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. Misunderstandings of feelings, points of view, and morals are common as each partner has an internal struggle related to sexual expression. The mythological story of Apollo and Daphne refers to twin flames as well as soul mates. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. This type of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry emphasizes the need to break through past parenting issues. I noticed this and would compliment her. Sun/Sun. It helps iron out other differences. In Synastry (with an acquaintance) I have it exactly conjunct their Sun and their Medusa is conjunct my moon (2 deg orb). Among the stars that have a different birth, Any ideas as to what this might indicate? Statements that begin with you should must be avoided, because they only serve to make the partner defensive. She would call them names and put them down. I do not have any main planets on my ascendent or in the 1st house. People with this bond are creative, courageous, intelligent, and energetic. Sometimes the Lunar behaves absentmindedly and inconsistently toward the Solar partner, annoying them with melancholy. This means that it will be hard for them to balance each other. The Lunar is quite capable of providing the necessary emotional calming effect for the solar personality. Five Aspects in the Natal Chart of Women that - My Christian Psychic In such a relationship, the Lunar will need to resist his or her excessive sensitivity and a serious attitude towards trifles. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, there is astrong physical connection. This is where the Sun in one persons chart impacts the Sun in another persons chart. The Mars person in particular can get defensive if they feel that the Sun person is too judgmental or condescending. My Neptune and Venus are intercepted. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Anything that conjuncts the MC will touch you out in the open, in your relationship with society. It also shows your compatibility in energy levels, time spent together, and sexual preferences. You respond to each others needs automatically, whether these needs are physical or emotional. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts You have an entire chart that describes your relationships, not just this one aspect. Dont forget: the Sun square Mars synastry aspect is full of passion. What does this mean? This aspect strongly influences your romantic relationships, attracting love, affection and admiration from others. Are both great indicators of a successful marriage. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry combination shows a tendency to form connections which are intense and enduring. I am no way a tease. Friends generally do not share close quarters with each other, and competition is not as damaging between friends as it is between romantic partners. Your life goals may often be at odds with one another, and this fact can deplete both of your senses of vitality. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects When one person wants space the other person needs attention, then this dynamic swaps. Synastry aspects can work very well to help people get to know each other and learn about each other. However, as with most things in astrology, there is a downside to this pairing of luminaries. Lets just say communication opened again off and on over the next several years, as is wont to happen between people when they wind up reconnecting. It typically indicates a period of opportunity when you can expand your horizons and develop talents and potential in ways that will be personally beneficial and rewarding. I have my theories (and life experience with that energy), but I would love your interpretation of how this energy is playing out for me. My chart is also water void, so could it be that sometimes I am just oblivious to the effect I am having on guys? Sun Conjunct Venus Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile She was vain about it, but she was young and didn't know any better than to flaunt her beauty in front of an older woman, whose beauty was waning. With the Sun conjunct Moon synastry aspect, the conscious wants of the Sun person's are aligned with the subconscious needs of the Moon person. Also, people have the tendency to get annoyed with traits in others that they do not like in themselves. Sun Conjunct Mars Synastry: Growth-Oriented Relationships 2. It can also cause some conflicts and problems if not understood. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry aspect reveals an important connection between the people it joins, one that can inform you about how they work together. When I have let someone who is attracted to me that I am not attracted to as anything other than a friend get too close, it has ended in my being raped more than once. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. It can help a relationship, but it can also get in the way. The woman may doubt her femininity and the man may doubt his masculinity. The inner self of the Sun person is very similar to the persona of the Ascendant person. They are too much alike, and they share each others blind spots. In synastry what does it mean if the mans nessus square the womans stellium of conjunct Sun,Medusa,.Pollux? Ive read that the challenging aspects to Medusa, in a womens chart, can actually make other women envious, and seek to attack the native with the challenging Medusa aspect. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects Some women have trouble being around very beautiful women. Maybe the trine is why I see it as a humbling experience? I just wondering what his feelings towards me? It can be positive, negative, or neutral based on the planets that are involved. Ive seen that energy play out with my own eyes! I mean, woman. Its so wonderful to have found such a caring and wonderful soul like yourself . With Lie conj merc, I would wonder if it is easy for you to lie and you would have to struggle against it. The bullying I experienced in elementary was horrible. Logic is hard to come by. I dont want to hurt anybody. xoxo. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. I wont change asteroids or anything else to make them more palatable. Thankyou , Lilith conj the asc can mean magnetic sexuality esp in house 1. In astrology, the Sun represents your conscious self and the Moon the subconscious. Mainly physical, lasted about a month. Ideally, both partners with the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect will help their partner work towards their goals and empower them to get moving and face obstacles. medusa conjunct my venus with a 2 degree in my 5th house. In this instance, the two people will feel incredibly alive and energetic when they are together. They each feel like they must sacrifice a core part of themselves to stay in the relationship. Wandering companionless True communication can manifest itself on many levels as each partner has the necessary qualities to balance the other. People with this bond are creative, courageous, intelligent, and energetic. I have my Medusa in libra conjunct my crush moon and part of fortune in Libra and my mars in Libra conjunct his sun and vesta in Libra too. Ultimately, if you have this Sun trine Mars aspect, you are relaxed and in tune with your partner. Awww Would you like to re tell it again so we have it here, in the Medusa article? Quintile is a good aspect so you could use Medusa for good in some way like write about her or use her to help yourself or others in some way. Sun Conjunct Venus: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning The Sun sextile the Moon synastry is especially good for family relationships and business partnerships. The Sun conjunct Sun can also be tricky to interpret in synastry because it usually involves a complex entanglement between Mercury and Venus in the two charts are well. They also have different drives or motivators. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This relationship has creativity and feeling, two essential ingredients for a wholesome experience. 5 Key Things to Know About Sun Conjunct Moon in Synastry - popularastrology This harms the relationship greatly. A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac in the charts of two people. Somehow after they split we got together. There is a transformation of subconscious expectations in relation to these figures. The Sun person helps the Ascendant person in practical ways and vice versa. If you have the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, youre physically compatible with your partner and have similar energetic levels. I have Medusa square Sun. This aspect is a very supportive one in any chart comparison. All of this means that this cross-sign conjunction needs to be analyzed in the context of the two charts involved. Become proficient and have an understanding of how solar works. I think you may be in denial that you urge men on and then reject them. These must be dealt with if the relationship is to survive. Asteroid Picks-Medusa(149) - My Christian Psychic It also determines what we like and who we are attracted to. If you need to report or discuss a sexual assault in Utah, you can call the Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 801-736-4356. In the astrology chart it is represented by two suns touching one another. When the Sun aspects another natal planet, it can bring out either the best or the worst in that planet. It generally promotes good feelings between people. Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects You probably have similar ways of expressing yourselves sexually, although this is only one aspect of many placements when it comes to physical compatibility. Sun-Venus Opposite-Square-Conjunct-Trine-Sextile Synastry Expand. I feel the same way with you honey! The couple will need to communicate and work towards achieving a fulfilling sexual relationship. i read a confusing article which made me think it could be about facing a lot of opposition in my career where i need to defend myself? The difficulties will generally not show up during the early stages of their relationship. However, the Sun conjunct Mercury synastry aspect makes for great communication in any partnership. Could this be an indication of sexual harassment? Our readers support us. If so, just try to deal with it as best as you can and be as kind as you can. Much depends on how these planets are aspected for each partner in their natal charts. You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. Mans Sun opposite womans Moon is more difficult for marriage as the natural harmony required in a relationship is overshadowed by the need to get over early childhood experiences. Love, At the same time, by accepting the role of his own mother, he discovers great happiness in his family life. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists . This variation of the Sun square the Moon synastry causes difficulties in perception and understanding. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Sun in the partner's first house of a synastry overlay creates a familiar feeling between the two of you. A Sun-Sun synastry combination suggests a strong creative connection between the partners. The Sun and Sun form a teamwork that is easy and effortless. conjunctivorhinostomy near Provo, UT | WebMD Physician Directory My heart goes out to you! Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. If I am completely honest with myself, I must admit that I found myself doing things sometimes that I did not want to do in an effort to feel attractive. Finally the final couple of phone calls I swear she exceeded the normal decibel capacity of a human. Think about your best friend or your soulmate. My boundaries have always been weak, but I am going to counseling to improve in that area. You always have to explain your actions to your partner because you just dont understand each other. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Sun opposition Mars synastry denotes conflict and power struggles. Exact and orb 1. I no longer have her in my life (the non financial identity thief), but when she was in my life, this behaviour was so uncomfortable to observe, that it was quite sickening! Medusa is a really vicious tease and she would hurt the Sun person but this is just one aspect so we would need to see the whole chart to see what would happen. If two people have the Sun in the same place, it is easy for them to clash out of competition for the spotlight and out of pride. Sun Conjunct Sun is a major Natal/Birth transit that occurs once per year. Because I dont think Im all that great or attractive, Id scorn them for falling for me as a result of not being able to see unattractive sides of me. While the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect means that there is an opportunity to develop a strong sexual spark, this might not happen immediately. Id scorn them because I dont understand why they have fallen for me. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. This was an error of youth more than an inherent character flaw in Medusa, in my opinion. With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, there is an opportunity to create an exciting and motivating relationship. An important factor is the Signs in which the Moon and the Sun are located even if they do not form a precise aspect. I have Medusa quintile mc and quincunx ascendant is good or bad ?? Thank you for your feedback. In synastries between people who have much in common, this is almost always a very positive synastry. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects Recommend extreme caution if this turns up in synastry. Do men find my way of talking both sexy and disturbing? Back to Medusa. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. And ever changing, like a joyless eye I also have this natally but I also have Valentine conjunct asc exact natally too and in this synastry. Hello everyone! Their views, wants, and needs relating to sex might differ from each other. You may tease him to make him go crazy for him and then punish him but this has to be closenot more than a 3 degree orb, C and Welcome! Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts A lot of how this aspect manifests will depend on the sign that the conjunction is in. In the beginning of the relationship, these people were probably very attracted to each other physically. This can be a challenging aspect in a romantic relationship. If the relationship is purely psychological or emotional, it becomes very complex and confusing. He ended it with her, somehow later we have some more action (Im guessing I was the rebound in a way both times, referring to the month-long and after the guy after me same first name as her first ex I might add) and after that semester she didnt want to talk to me for awhile. These two people have a lot in common, which leads to empathy and understanding. The Sun opposite the Moon synastry is fairly common in family and other committed relationships where the Solar is dynamically influencing and the Lunar is statically receiving. Typically, the energy will build up and result in either explosive arguments or intense sexual relationships. She made a point to show her beautiful hair to Athena. This transit can bring about desires for travel, vacations or getting out of town. They are comfortable expressing their sexual needs to each other without judgment. Care should be taken not to try to knock each other down with blows to the ego. Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct I have medusa connuncts Eros Is it bad? while the other is content to stay home. I have a conj of mercury and medusa, what does this combination mean? Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) Of course, those people hate me. With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, you must actively work to encourage each other. Although it may be pleasantly challenging at times, and especially at the beginning of your relationship, the need to defend ones basic personality can be draining. You may try to tease men and make them like you and then hurt them but this turns out to be a lot of pain for you and maybe even physical illness from it. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts There are significant disagreements on financial, business, and pedagogical (in relation to the upbringing of children) issues. They want to change what is to what they want it to be. Can Medusa on Asc give femme fatale look for women?Also can this on Acs give magnetic and hypnotic eyes?What about look and physical appearance? Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Mercury-Venus Synastry Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite, Sextile, Uranus in Sagittarius: Character and Fate, Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct, Sun-Pluto Synastry: Conjunct, Trine, Square, Opposite, Sextile. The Sun and Moon have vastly different influences in the chart. This would have been my ex from college. I learned the importance of being kind to others who were different than me. For a man-woman couple, the most favorable type of this synastry (in the sense of minimizing the number of disagreements) is when the man is the Solar personality and the woman is the Lunar one. This is what is wrong with our current society. I have a friend who has this aspect in her chart. My hair is very curly ringlets just like medusa i also have a very dark type of gaze. Look at Straightwood and put those in. Both partners might feel that they just cant exactly explain what they desire when theyre fighting or expressing their sexual needs. The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is excellent for all kinds of mutual goal-achieving. Your overall characteristics and energy levels are very similar. This will increase the abundance of energy of one sign in that household. Each partner may be motivated to do slightly different things, but they are able to respect each others interests. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. A fool rejects his fathers discipline, but whoever heeds correction is prudent. You have a strong Medusa so be careful you are not a tease because we get back what we give. So, when men show interest in me, I get cooled off. In a general sense, you endorse one another. Would he be medusa or her victim? Their inability to see through a persons character is a turn off for me and that would make me want to kinda look down on them. Synastry:SunConjunctDescendant You probably react to each othervery defensively. Again my lovely, spot on!! I have this aspect. Is there any way Valentine can lessen Medusas powers? The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. YES! Sun Conjunct Sun synastry shows a very intense and loving relationship between two people. The Sun and the Moon synastry is the most important indicator of the partners psychological and emotional compatibility. She has never had any problem humiliating me publicly to garner attention or sympathy for herself. They probably have mutual likes/dislikes, or they can easily respect what the other person wants. How does Medusa play out when it is conjunct Venus in a womans chart? What about my Medusa in Sagittarius in the 10th house? When it comes to hobbies and activities, the Sun trine Mars synastry aspect means that both partners are usually on the same wavelength. The Sun conjunct Pluto synastry is very similar to the Sun-Mars combination, differing from it mainly by the depth of the produced effects. *5 appointments is standard per week with a pay per sit. They rub each other wrong and know how to get under each others skin. Sun-Mars synastry is an exciting, strong aspect. Signs that are adjacent do not have much in common. They are both at 8 degreesmy Pluto is at 6 degrees & mercury is at 11. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Because the Sun has such a wide orb, it is easy for two people to have this aspect across signs. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts There is also the opportunity to develop good timing and balance in the relationship. Shes alluring, and theres something slightly provocative about her not by the way she dresses or anything like that, but theres a way about her that tells other that she cant be trifled with. My medusa conjuncts my boyfriends sun exactly. Medusa (149) Conjunct the Ascendant I have seen this one in action and it is not pretty. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects The energy will build up and must come out somewhere, but its up to you to decide how this happens.
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