The process of development and the interactions between developers, engineers, contractors, and local government is examined to show the importance of ordinances in improving water quality. Collection System Design and Layout,Collection Equipment Maintenance,Collection System Maintenance and Repair,Lift Stations,Collection System Testing and Inspections,Collection System Rehabilitation,Collection System Safety,Unit Conversions,Area [], Pass your test the first time! In 1996, the Education Committee of the Kentucky Geological Survey, in conjunction with the Kentucky Society of Professional Geologists, established the Earth Science Education Network (ESEN). The division monitors hydrologic conditions to understand, prepare for, and mitigate potential flooding and drought impacts to Kentuckys citizens, businesses and the built environment. Email: The eligibility and assistance provided for specific practices are detailed. Its northern border is . The scope of services covered by RCAP, including drinking water and wastewater utility training, project facilitation, and funding, is covered in terms of technical, managerial, and financial assistance as well as GIS mapping and other services. To renew a Kentucky drinking water treatment, bottled water, or a water distribution operator's certificate, you must complete the required amount of continuing education hours during the 2 years before your current certificate expires. Register For An Upcoming Event Today! No worry. Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with Formulas,Understanding Percentages,Calculating Area,Calculating Volume ,Weight VolumeRelationships,Force-Pressure-Head,Velocity and Flow Rate,Pumps,The Metric System,Problem Solving,Math and Treatment Review,Wastewater Flow Problems,Preliminary [], Pass your test the first time! 1.4Activity Option #2: Do I Need a Permit for That? They are often the most visible face and voice of water quality information to local citizens and oversee many and varied watershed education and management activities. Beginning with a review from Module 3, this presentation discusses the effects of impervious surfaces, the role of soil and geology in green infrastructure, and how to find land use information. Context of the 319(h) non-point source management and watershed planning programs. This is a six-month online certificate program. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, The Clean Water Act & Related Water Quality Laws, Land Use Impacts & Related Best Management Practices, Section 1.1 Activity: Clean Water Act Jeopardy (, 1.2 Activity: Exploring Kentuckys Water Health Portal, Codes for 303(d) List Causes and Sources (, 1.3 Activity: How to Navigate the ECHO System (, 1.4Activity Option #1: Water Quality Conundrums, Option #1Leader Worksheet with Answers (. Kentucky Water Operators must complete between 12 and 24 hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their water certification. Seats for these classes are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Workshop participants will gain and benefit from a comprehensive understanding of the Acts mandates and Kentuckys players and approaches to fulfilling those mandates. Non-Transient Non-Community (NTNC) water systems can attend KRWA water Training Sessions and Regional Meetings for no charge. There are 13 individual lesson modules included in this course. Module 4: Land Use Impacts and Related Best Management Practices. Expanded Core Curriculum Teacher - Recreation Leader - Kentucky This presentation provides an overview of the six steps of developing an outreach campaign which the following presentations will describe in detail. Ways to think about approaching landowners as potential clients and meet their needs while also improving the water quality are discussed with numerous example projects. We are proud to note that since 1979, we have trained thousands of people at our training sessions, conferences, and other training venues. The Kentucky Logging BMP Field Guide is used to cover the minimum water quality BMP requirements for logging sites. No worry. No stress. For each pump type, we will discuss internal parts, construction, and operation. No worry. Training sessions for water and wastewater professionals scheduled at locations throughout the state. This presentation provides an overview of the topics to be covered in the following presentations. Basic Water [], Pass your test the first time! Department of Education - Kentucky Education; Certificate Program; Utility Management; CA 36-Hour Courses; TEXAS COURSES; Training Hub; FREE RESOURCES; Courses. Introduction of best management practices and various methods of categorizing them. The Northern Kentucky Solid Waste Management Area provides an overview of their services as an example of the types of services provided by solid waste coordinators in each county. 10/05/22 - Swimming & Diving Rules Clinic Now Available. If you have a question on what classification of operator your drinking water, wastewater or solid waste facility is required to have or any other staffing requirements, contact the Kentucky Division of Water at (502) 564-3410 or the Kentucky Division of Waste Management at (502) 564-6716. This course will prepare you to pass your entry level Distribution System Operator exam with confidence and get you started on your way to a successful and satisfying career as a distribution operator. Details actuators and various accessories. The services of the Bluegrass Area Development District are featured as an example of the types of services Area Development Districts (ADDs) offer. This course will fulfill 4.5 of your required hours for Kentucky water operators. These assessments provide a standardized way to measure the effectiveness of Tier 1 reading instruction, identify student's reading proficiency, and fuel data . . KY Water Maps Portal 2.0 Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) Water Maps Portal A wide variety of water-specific web maps, applications, and services are being showcased from this Portal. is an At Your Pace Online, LLC Property, Wastewater Treatment Components and Functions, How To Start Your Career In Wastewater Treatment Operations, Mitigating Flooding Impacts on Drinking Water Treatment Systems, Basic Electrical Concepts for Water Operators, Class 1 Treatment, Collection, or Distribution- 12 Hours, Class 2 Treatment, Collection, or Distribution- 12 Hours, Class 3 Treatment, Collection, or Distribution- 24 Hours, Class 4 Treatment, Collection, or Distribution- 24 Hours. When you register, register for the class and exam. Frankfort, Kentucky, United States. The Kentucky Division of Water regulates stormwater through the enforcement of the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. This presentation discusses various livestock- and crop-related BMP options available to farmers with guidance on how to initiate discussion on implementation with the agricultural community. PDF Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program - Kentucky Provides an overview of quality assurance and quality control and leads the participant through the major elements of a quality assurance project plan. Overview of Kentuckys resources and reason for protection. You will learn about surface water treatment regulations, and the basics of treatment processes, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, corrosion control, and much more. In summary, we clarify NFPA 70E safety practices used in the electrical industry. The Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI) is part of a nationwide association of 54 federally authorized water resource institutes and centers located at land grant universities throughout the United States and its territories. This presentation breaks down the process of identifying and analyzing the target audience into nine steps and utilizes four worksheets to help work through this process. OW provides guidance, specifies scientific methods and data collection requirements, performs oversight and facilitates communication among those involved. In this presentation, an overview is provided of quantitative survey questionnaires and qualitative descriptive social research through methods such as interviews, focus groups, and community forums, direct observation, or social mapping. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act and Kentucky mining law requirements are introduced. See also:, Dedicated water industry professionals continue to operate treatment facilities around the nation and are working []. This module could be considered a companion to the BMP component of Module 4, as it will offer guidance on developing partnerships in the pursuit of implementing specific water quality BMPs. . Covers the goals, history, and impacts of the Clean Water Act. AYPO's Distribution System Water Quality Issues course will introduce to water operators the many issues that must be present in order to achieve and maintain a safe and high-quality water supply in a distribution system. The tool that binds the Division of Water's mission to protect and enhance our water resources to this sense of place is GIS - Geographic Information Systems. Our water and wastewater training affords the opportunity for certification credit toward the state's water and wastewater operator certification programs. Homepage - Kentucky Department of Education There are 28individual lesson modules included in this course: Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with Formulas,Understanding [], Pass your test the first time! KY Division of Water Regulations - University of Kentucky The Certification Program does not administer facility requirements. All rights, Solid Waste Operator/Manager Certification and Training, Drinking Water and Wastewater Certification and Training, Employment Opportunities & Contract Operators, Liability Protection and Technical Assistance, Environmental Compliance Assistance Program. Additionally, materials for this module will provide coordinators with helpful advice for organizing and conducting effective meetings and using efficient facilitation skills. We start by detailing the arrangement, scope, and purpose of the document, as well as define common terms. From there, we discuss water collection, treatment, and distribution, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water. A routine notification involves a release of pollutants or contaminants into the environment that do not cause imminent danger to the human health or environment; they are below the reportable quantity of the contaminant; and they do not cause a sheen on waters of the Commonwealth. Describes methods of protecting piping systems. Fax: (502) 564-7092. KRWA was established in 1979 as a private, non-profit organization by a core group of utility leaders who shared the vision of building aself-governed, member driven association. Typical targeted pollutants for urban BMPs are discussed with the concepts of green versus gray infrastructure introduced. Kentuckys watershed coordinators fulfill a critical role in carrying out local water quality improvement projects effectively. Kentucky Operator Certification Program - Kentucky Energy and Success stories from Kentucky and other states are provided as examples. Examples of optimal and poor habitat for each parameter are shown. AYPO Tech is the one-stop location for continuing education courses for water operators in Kentucky. Finally, it provides reasons why a shift from awareness to focused behavior change is necessary. OW helps the states and American Indian tribes to build capacity, and water programs can be delegated to them for implementation. This presentation provides an overview of several partners and programs related to flooding. Drinking water licenses are due for renewal in even-numbered years and wastewater licenses are due in odd-numbered years.
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