Added a workaround for puppets being unable to call their own puppets into wars (the actual bug can only be fixed by Paradox). Fixed the Reichspakt thinking Poland is an enemy. Fixed the revolter in the Lianguang Civil War getting a wargoal on itself. New industrial development decision for Chile. Made some AI changes, so the Entente is more likely to concentrate on Great Britain once it has a foothold there, and Austria no longer prioritizes the Russian front over its front with the SRI. Centroamericas Moderados are now RadSoc. Of course we havent been idle in other places; many other nations, notably Serbia, have received changes as well. James Yen and Chang Chun, with Wang Yitang and Jin Yunpeng, Fengtians decisions to request aid from Japan can now be taken multiple times, as originally intended, Fengtian can no longer denounce Qing Monarchism after Puyi has been overthrown, Fixed a defeated Japan coming back to defend FNG, Fixed Japan getting the event to intervene in Fengtian's side more than once, Japan's Sakura focus will now bypass if FNG is a puppet, Fixed the ideas for the Shandong loans not being reduced upon payment, Fixed Weihaiwei not being transferred to QIE by Germany in the respective event, Fixed the Prince's Visit category being visible if it was cancelled. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth can no longer trigger a German-Austrian war. Stopped the Mexican AI from declaring war on Central American countries they dont border. Fixed Nasir Shah being retired in the wrong moment, breaking the rest of the events for the Kumul Khanate. Its time for another hotfix! Reduced the chances of de La Rocque winning the nomination for the French Republic, if the PSF was neutralised. Improved Patagonia AI handling of post-war focuses and decisions. SocDem Italian Republic now has Meuccio Ruini as its Second in Command, instead of Carlo Rosselli being Head of Government and Second in Command at once. Added unique traits to the Left Kuomintangs Chen Gongbo and Liao Zhongkai. New England can no longer grant themselves joint bonuses for being a member of the Entente, when they are already the leader of the Entente. Instead of giving occupation penalties when they time out, annexation missions will now fire the respective country/region/state's event (the same event given when the decision is selected). Fixed an invalid Russian division template. Added generic land reform decisions to unified China. Socialist Republic of Italy can now declare war on Two Sicilies if it annexes the Papal States, upon discovering the source of the Neosanfedisti. Fixed the USA being able to work with allies without the needed focus. Fixed the requirements for Austria inviting Bulgaria to its faction. Improved the tooltip for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies urbanisation national focus, to clarify its effect. Fixed Polands Clover Revolution occurring after the country has already been taken over by socialists. KMT Yunnan can no longer use the generic Form China decision. Fixed Spains flag not showing up properly in the game rules. Restoring the buttons does not give them any more functionality than they had previously. Fixed Germanys two heavy armour divisions starting with empty chassis instead of the correct variant. Fixed the Siamese peace deal giving parts of Indochina to German East Asia, even if Indochina won. Indian states without cores will no longer add resistance when being cored. Fixed the wrong news event firing when Serbias Republicans win a majority victory in the election. Added a failsafe in case theres volunteers sent from Centroamerica countries, so they are removed correctly. A released Eritrea now follows its historical borders. Hopefully fixed any cases of the SAU-OMA peace going haywire. Fixed Anqing decisions to receive equipment from the Fengtian Government not reappearing. Fixed the Fate of Brest decision resulting in it going to a White Ruthenia that it doesnt border. There is a possibility of a civil war. Fixed the Combined Syndicates 1948 election for Norman Thomas not firing. Mittelafrika and Portugal Bush War now has a different setup with a mission. Updated the Canada Intervenes in the Weltkrieg news event to account for them potentially declaring war on the Union of Britain, before the Weltkrieg has started. Fixed several countries joining factions without the permission of the faction leader. Fixed Dutch East Indies characters not being transferred correctly to the Netherlands. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Fixed American political reference events firing for the Legation Cities if they are a subject. MarLib Liangguang can now join the Co-Prosperity Sphere. How to change your puppet's ideology? - Paradox Interactive Forums Fixed Bulgaria being able to send volunteers to the IMRO. Fixed Haiti being locked out of fixing its economy if they change government in the later elections. If the United Kingdom tries to demand Northern Ireland from Ireland, and Ireland is in a faction, but a reunited America is in the Entente, then the UK may try and pressure Irelands faction leader into getting Ireland to submit. Fengtian can no longer recruit bandit troops while banning looting. Fixed Shandong's Legation Cities loan counter not updating. Fixed Hunan spawning fighter planes with no attack. This part is about the new . Puppet Iraq will now always be released as a republic. Siberia and Transamur can now be returned to a non-enemy Russia. Updates to Bulgarias ai factors - should hopefully make their path selection abit better distributed, especially when it comes to the democratic (and subsequent Fatherland front) paths. Fixed a Pacific States event firing for China. Polish republicans and socialists now can integrate new territory more easily compared to the monarchists and nationalists. Germany in Exile now is the same country as Mittelafrika, rather than taking over from it and replacing it entirely. Anglo-Indian Trade is no longer quite as lucrative. Fixed Romania's Renew Pride national focus not accounting for Romania being a puppet. Fixed Hungary stealing states from neutral tags when released. Fixed Romanias Corneliu Codreanu crashing the game when removed as Prime Minister. Removed some RNG for the Ethiopian events asking Germany for aid, a guarantee or an alliance. Fixed a recently-puppeted Greece going syndicalist. Improved the AIs political power rationing, and their timing of using the generic political decisions. Fixed the endless Fate of Latvia/Estonia loop for Russia, Austria can no longer lock itself out of its focus tree by betraying its secret deal with Hungary, Romania no longer loses its HoG in the legionary path, Fixed Northern Epirus not being grantable to Albania by Serbia, Fixed some oddities with the Flanders/Wallonia/Belgium annexation events, Bulgaria can now use its reconciliation decisions even when a puppet - though, if its a puppet, the decision can only be used on its overlord, The Turkestan emir is now removed as a field marshal when he dies, Old ministers in Flanders, Bolivia, and Central America are now properly removed when the government changes, Returning cores/claims to an ally will now give them all coastal and contiguous states at once, instead of needing to have the decision used repeatedly to catch interior states, The events used when the UK and France demand the return of colonial states now fires for the owner of those states and not just the controller, Updated the AI for Italys decision to attack Austria to be a bit more judicious, and to wait for Serbia - when applicable, Prevented the Yen Bai Mutiny events from refiring, If a puppet somehow ends up at war with its overlord, itll now be set free, Fengtian can now no longer use its war decisions when a puppet, Fixed the return of Russian generals to the Russian Socialist Republic in the cases where Patagonia had already succeeded or fallen prior to the civil war beginning, Fixed the Vojvodina annexation decision to not trigger until theres at least one applicable option which can be taken, Lithuania can now be released based on ownership of Kovno and not solely ownership of their capital, which could be another countrys claim, Germany might now initially be released without Northern Schleswig or the Polish German states, which have separate annexation decisions, The event for Patagonia becoming Argentina no longer fires for other nations, Persia will not get Mosul in the Ottoman collapse unless they control a neighbouring state, Russia can now integrate Ukraine properly after the Treaty of Pereyaslav goes into effect, Germany can no longer attack Romania to take its oil, Fixed Wilhelm II dying in 1947 instead of 1941, Russia will now focus on getting rid of Divided Military Staff as soon as possible, Fengtian is now blocked from joining the Chinese United Front, Fixed Poland being locked out of its tree if the AuthDems were elected, Italy and Poland are no longer invited to the Belgrade Pact if they already own their claimed lands, The Golestan Pact is now properly disbanded if Persia joins a faction, Fixed an infinite loop in the Tibetan focus tree, The China Agency no longer investigates its own weapon smuggling, Puppet Central America can no longer use its war decisions, The regular peace event for Italy and Austria will no longer fire if Italy is involved in the Belgrade Pact war on Austria and thus eligible for the Budapest Treaty peace event, The decisions for Canada to declare war on the CSA or intervene in the ACW should no longer disappear forever if interrupted by the CSAs strike idea, Countries that unify China via the generic decision can now integrate their allies, Fixed a couple of issues with the Yunnan-Siam peace deal, Fixed a Netherlands event firing twice and a flag not being properly cleared, Fixed RKMT Yunnan not being able to attack a LKMT Guangxi, Fixed two Yunnan companies being the same under different names, Central American countries will now correctly return their puppets' territory, Released Chinese puppets now get proper cores on their territory, Fixed Qing not being able to invite SIK to its faction, Fixed a misleading Fengtian event option tooltip, Yunnan will now lose the AOG tin ideas if Indochina wins the war, Austria-Hungarys focus on the Status Quo branch now removes the Broken Ties idea, Fixed Sichuan's famine recovery lasting until 1947, The United Front will now collapse if Japan is annexed, Fixed Serbia getting the Kardzhali annexation mission when occupying Bulgaria, Fixed puppet Poland not being able to integrate states, Fixed Poland's naval foci giving boni to trade interdiction on both paths, Fixed Russia potentially getting Black Monday twice, Fixed Transamur asking to reunify with a non-existent Russia, Fixed the AI Netherlands pulling the Entente into other wars, Meyer London can no longer be HoS and HoG at the same time, Added missing localisation for several events in the Second Congress of Belgrade, Tweaked few Romanian news events to work better with niche scenarios, Nerfed the amount of guns and manpower Patagonia could get in their starter tree, New portraits for Enver Hoxha (ALB), Wilhelm of Wied (ALB), J.B. Added new flags for Republican Canada, NatPop puppet England, PatAut Mongolia, and Quebec. The Austro-Hungarian crownlands AI should now be more willing to support Austria in their wars. Puppets can never change ideology through a coup. Fixed Nestor Makhno returning to the Commune of France from Patagonia having a missing event description. Fixed Paraguays Estigarribia not having his leader description changed if he was democratically elected. Fixed Dai Li's coup of the Left Kuomintang not firing, even if the correct options were chosen. For the War in the Southern Cone, Argentina / Patagonia now get the ships of the other side, upon capitulation. Fixed duplicate characters in China and Vietnam. Rebalanced factories and infrastructure across all of China. New custom voice-overs for Serbo-Croat and Somalian. Improved the effect of Romanias New National Veins railway national spirit. Fixed PSA not being able to reunite with New England if both joined the Entente. Shandongs Revive Jinan-Qingdao Railway and Sichuans Chengdu-Chongqing Railway national focus now also grant extra infrastructure along the respective train routes route, as well as giving ten some trains and adding the relevant technology. The Union of Britain starts with two fuel silos. Fixed AuthDem Shandong not sending volunteers to the League of Eight Provinces collapse war. The conversion of civilian factories to military is no longer instantaneous. Custom GUI in the stateview that shows which Province Chinese states belong to, similar to the new Ottoman GUI, The above GUI now shows the status of replacing the governors in the Reestablish Order decision tab for Anqing, Germany can now influence the Portugal-Mittelafrika peace deal, Redone the Socialist Anti-Colonial Committee focus for the Commune of France to match with the changes in National France, Added camels to the Middle East nations, Ethiopia, Somalia and National France, Internationale and Entente/Reichspakt countries will now embargo each other when joining the faction. Tweaked the effect of Romanias The First Among the Parties national focus. Floyd Olson now dies exactly a year after his OTL death. Fixed the plane designs given by Japans Carrier Aviation Breakthroughs national focus. Gave player more control over whether or not Carol II dies in the assassination event. The Ottoman Renaissance idea now applies to all possible revolters. Persia's peace with Germany over the Caucasus will now only include Georgia if they've gone autocratic. Fixed some bugs in PatAut Norway demanding territory. Fixed Hungary not keeping the monarchist flag when re-puppeted by Austria. Fixed a Portugal focus spawning forts on the wrong province. Initial Iraqi events regarding the Muntafiq revolt and its outcome were changed so they are no longer RNG (whereas before it was up to Persia if the Muntafiq revolt event fired at all), and the outcome is decided by the player, rather than via random chance. Fixed Mittelafrika having incomplete claims to Mali and Mauritania. Fixed Insulindia being able to join factions it's at war with. Improved the AI factors for South Africa's focus tree. Fixed Austria not joining against Russia, even when Germany is losing. Fixed Belgium not getting the Ardennes after beating back Germany. Fixed some missing countries in the Ottoman Association of Muslim Nations decisions. Yucatan can now join Centroamerica if radical socialist, and a socialist Guatemala can influence it towards this path. Expanded the interactions of the Austrian Military Occupation path with Germany, Poland and the Belgrade Pact - The Brotherhood of Slavs as a faction no longer exists, and its previous members now join the Belgrade Pact instead, calling them into the war against Austria. Increased the Ottomans starting infantry equipment stockpile. Sichuans civil war is now completed entirely through events. Alignments determine who the ideology is aligned towards, for example: Western Outlook means that the party aligns with the western countries (USA, UK, France, etc.) Fixed Austria getting Danubian annexation missions. Tibet now restricts itself when dividing China with Mongolia. Added unique responses to the British King's tour in Entente Ireland. Adjusted Germanys AI so that it focuses a bit less on its navy. Fixed Dutch East India's unity/strength national spirits remaining even after the rebellion. Changed the layout and tweaked the icons on the Mittelafrika focus tree. Syndicalist Chiles foreign policy converted from focuses to decisions. Fixed the repeating SAU-OMA white peaces. Fixed the missing leader description of Finlands Vaino I. Fixed being able to give Limburg to a non-existent Belgium. New England will now only get the civil war debuffs if they gained land in the civil war. Added stability gain to Polands Cooperative Subsidies decision. Fengtian will guarantee Shandong if the latter compromises with Anqing after the League War. Updated Chen Jitangs description for Liangguang. Fixed Uruguay creating a faction with a non-existent Brazil. Fixed Austrian build slots not taking ownership into account. Fixed Albert and Leopold of Belgium having no portraits. Fixed Sweden annexing land that it isnt supposed to. Transamur will be given the correct states in their peace deals. United Baltic Duchy, Lithuania and White Ruthenia now start as a unique custom puppet type - Oststaaten. White Ruthenia will now occasionally turn PatAut, instead of it being a player-only failstate path. Fixed some problems with the Guatemalan search filter. The United Baltic Duchys AI will now deal with its politics more actively. Fixed Mongolian news triggering when No news setting is set. The Fate of Galicia event now lets you choose who keeps Lww. Bhutans AI will now actually use its decisions. Added more steel to Luxemburg and Flanders-Wallonia. Then they can either restore the Italian Federation or release Lombardy and go their own way. Fixed the Franco-Spanish border at Roussillon. Fixed post-unification Romania not correctly having different parts of the Iron Guard gain prominence. Cariappa (PRF), V.K. Fixed Lithuania not peacing out properly when revolting. Added a separate annexation event for Putumayo. Fixed the king's path in Sardinia not showing which post-war tree they will get. Fixed the Japan-Entente war flag not being set correctly. They are currently rapidly being prepared for release and will be added to the game in the next hotfixes. Added Wilhelm Mnzenberg as a potential leader for a socialist German puppet. Fixed the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth elections give popularity to the wrong party. Restored the resource gain from infrastructure, but at a rate of 5% instead of the vanilla 10%. The Combined Syndicates now get a combat and manpower bonus if Canada declares war on them during the American Civil War. Fixed several bugged guarantee-related interactions between Centroamerica, Costa Rica and Mexico. Canadas Looming War national spirit now changes its name to The American Intervention, when appropriate. Added some improvements to triggers of the League of Eight Provinces events for invasion warning, loan location and League collapse events. Instead, the conditions are checked after any annexation or after territory is gained, and at no other time. Adjusted the duration of Ethiopias aviation national foci. Adjusted the Chief of Army trait for the Commune of Frances Georges Catroux. Added peace Events between Yunnan and German East Asia, Vietnam & Indochina. Added a shared equipment salvaging decision category per state, 14 days to deliver 30 days to be re-selectable for the LEP conflict. Fixed Sweden retaining the Revolutionary Committee if the congress deadlocks.
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